Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Transforming Fast- (e)Mail back into Snail-Mail

Is that still possible? During Lockdown 2021 ?

Short answer -  Yes! It is

A 4am wake-up for the kids & myself.

Dish-washing, laundry, re-heating of 

Yesterday's soup. With buttery toast.

Over 3 hot cuppa CUPPSO soups for breakfast - 

A most welcome email arrives,

From my younger daughter's school.

Letting us know her classmates at school 

Will be posting (class)friends at home





Brilliant for run-down mums.

Brilliant for tired-teachers, 

To setup in class

Most of all brilliant for

The next Gen. Zed-ers 

To re-discover the Excitement, 

The Beauty, 

The Magic and the Mystery

      Of Letter-writing.

            Once Upon A Time again!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

18 Months on they're thriving

About 18 months ago the kids and I planted shrubs and flowers in our shared communal area.  Amongst the things we planted were 30 sets of very, very, VERY miserable, crunchy, dried-up garden flowers. The shop had literally given these away.  

Anyway we planted them in a quick, slap dash manner. From time to time, I would point out to the kids how sorry-looking these flowers continued to look. However for the most part we forgot about them.

That was back in 2018.

Last Christmas, we were surprised to notice these same plants had been transformed into a row of strong, vivid-pink, thriving flowers!

They have added much needed colour and vibrancy to our frosty, mid-winter months.