Thursday, November 28, 2024

Families Reunite

The real new 

Dawn arrives when all 

that rightfully belongs to Divine Mothers 

Is returned in full

And all that must be shed, 

sold, cut-off  -banished

Gets burned to ashes and 

swept away.

When all compulsive liars / traitors / betrayers

Are fully examined. Those that never matched, 

That never made serious effort or simply 

Stood by in silence -

Get permanently removed.


And those that rightfully belong 

Willingly Reunite 

In meaningful ways

For all my real family, mother, daughters, sons, children

For both my daughters

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

catPhishe R j cohn

Estranged zionist mama's boy

Bloated sacrificial rat,

An awfully weak human that

Oscillates between unhinged rages -

Sycophancy too. So sad to see

in a grown man in his late 40s

Enabler, dearest-mommy of his

Incapable does not see 

The tormented, pampered 

monster, that she has bred

Now taking on false-online identity

he betrayed those from

the past he once presented as 'family.'

Behind his mask he claims to be 

THAT which he is not. Pointlessly soliciting

simping for kindness - from those

He harmed; unaware that he is now fully

Nak**d for all to examine 

Past deeds and intentions,

All brought to the surface

All online activity

Now visible, the whole world sees

Background needs needs further investigation:

Called his Indian co-workers at BT ' stupid monkeys'

Raphael James Cohn 23 Feb 1977 - formerly of StormMQ

This liar liar masonic cult man,

Attempted to suffocate his 2 year old child Hans:

 his first son

Obsessively tries to break into other people's 

online accounts and their private 

lives at home. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


When in doubt Jiff it out!

There's much to gain 

From staying FAR away

When you Jiff them out:

Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste - 

Sans Everything. 

Only then do they 

Lose their clout

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Rob(bin) son of a Dustbin

Dustbin man 

Dustbin mind

Go back to your

dustbin kind

Humpty man (is)

Dumpty blind

Go back to your

Brain-fogged mind

Snitching man

Dirt. Dumb. And blind

Rot-away with 

your dustbin kind

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Rob(bin) Dustbin the sacrificial goat

Who is Robin? I hear you ask,

As  he -

foolishly boasts that

He is 'Gosport mafiaaaa'?

Who is this dustbin? In reality? 

Not much so best to step back, 

And behold

This local snitch as 

Entangled TRAPPED and caged. 

His leathery face a bloated disgrace 

And like the Gimp this

Neighbourhood wimp  

As he hops into his car, 

We alll note from afar that



      No Mafiaaa!

This nasty, nosy man with his:

Ugly Dumpty bloat - 

Is nothing but a disposable, 

Sacrificial goat

Who does he think he is kidding? 

WHICH of the Jones' is he 

Desperately up-keeping?

As Rob(bin) Dustbin jumps into his 


With mind & movement slow

One soon notes that he ain't no

Quick slilver fox

Dumpty once lived at Flat Matt 22, 

And as a Peeping Tom this bloated goat

Sh*..t on his own Matt. Yes he did!

This Rob Rob(bin) sin 

Son of a Dustbin 

          Hee-haw donkey Hewett

Loves playing dumb- but at his age it's making him 

Look like scrawny Dave:

That perennial Gung HO! 

Christmas suet

Now barely tolerated by his Catholic woo-man

He's been relegated to her dusty backroom

Here Robin Rat-breast sleeps

When not Peeping & Snitching for 

his monthly upkeep.

When not a-scheming & a-scamming

We can find him online, up to his VILE activities

Foggy brains unravelling 

like ageing fishy glue.