Wednesday, March 16, 2022

March Hare

Climate Change is here (already) 

Transforming appearances everywhere

From the Tops of our Hats 

to the Bottoms of our Soles

We are invited to partake

In this hearty-party

And feast on an array of options and actions

Within this fabulous book of transactions!

Yes! Some arrive blowing freezing-hot

Whilst others abstain, trying

To remain luke-warm cold. 

The latter barely glancing upon the golden platter

And yet it DOES matter -

Unless you are the 

Mad Hatter

So look! For within the buffet of choices on offer,

(for that is what The Carbon Almanac will confer)

Are choices for our children,

AND their children's 


So dress your best to prepare for the Test

For much is contained 

On the matter

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