Thursday, September 22, 2022


             Child enters Bedroom

Me:    (Sunday 4.00am) 💤💤

Her:  Mum? Are you awake? 

        (pause then louder...)

        You know? I was finking... 

        I REALLY need a tortoise... or a Sun 

        Conure (pause) What do you fink? 

        Can I please? Can I? 


Me:   (4.01am)  😶 💤 😕 ?!?

Her: Well? Can I get one? I know you 

said I could get one for my next birfday

but... could we get one before that please?

(pause) ... why is your stomach so big??? 

ME    (4.01am)...!

Her:  Ok. Never mind (pause) 

        It's still really early you know... 

        So i'm going back to bed!

Me    (4.02AM)💬 + 💭  =  💤💤💤

Life Before Cycling

Here is Life BC

Here it is again AC         


Saturday, September 17, 2022


One day you may awake a Double-Aged thing

Your real age times-two like double-edged Bling

If this is the case then wear it with care. 

Observe the whole thing. Observe don't compare.

Some too self-congratulatory by far times a-half are  

But may now be Quartered Halves upon tattooed calves

What about the ancestors grandparents and sons? 

Or daughters of the Lost Ones?

For our next Quarter Cup let's pick the coins

and join dots up. 

Should we find it leads to no real gain

Then it's time to grab beverages and start

Building new lanes


Saturday, September 10, 2022

Heaven Scent

As we travel to these new lands

Instead of suppressing 

Let's dig up the Sands

For the next month or so 

Let's up sticks and travel 

Ever closer to truth 

Let's discover / unravel 

Let's see what is authentic 

And truly is YOU

And as YOU watch me... I too will watch you!

And as you judge me. I 2 times 3 will judge you!

Then let's see where - this all goes 

This experiment in unfiltered truths,

Or are you in reality a notoriously thin-skinned man?

Will it make us ever closer flow? 

Like yoga mats and candle lights? 

Our well positioned toe-filled current stats?

Let's see - if this game of yours is hellish bent 

Or does it lead us

Heaven Scent?


Thursday, September 8, 2022

In The Stream

Within the Stream of KOH Science 

Lies the Queen 

Seeking out the Sun in this Dream of Dreams

Returning in Peace - or so it seems

To her Beloved Ones with Finality.

And knowing what it's Like to Busy-Bee

for three score years plus an extra tien

@One. With One. For One once more

and now Her long Years all 

Are Done.

Outside we witness an outpouring of rain 

Splishing against windows 

and also on panes

as a neighbour's solitary Tuba 

Impromptu plays:

Asking God to save Her.

In these forthcoming Days

Sunday, September 4, 2022


So there I was deep in -  

Deep into the Cobalt Blues.

With nothing much to do I thought  

But cook clean research and to Jot

So all this on a Saturn night too

Did leave me Singing. The Cobalt Blues

Then off. To bed Irate went I 

Hoping to awake. With my Spirits high. 

Awoke did I on this weekend morn

With not much changed it was long past dawn.

Then YOU showed up so full of Glee

Inviting me to your Shampoo a dog Party ðŸ˜€ 

And there I beheld the sweetest pup-dog

So patient, obedient. So well brought up!

Delighted! Amazed I observed her good grace 

as you lathered, rinsed then towelled her up 

And STILL the best was yet to come 

For once released from bathroom floor

Was cute dog now 

a dog transformed:

From meek and mild to Super Dog 

this change was really quite a funny sight!

Her riotous rush down corridors

Her doggy claws on screeching floors

Left me in fits of repeated giggles and

Your markets-bound capping for more? For sure for sure 

I wish to add Encore! Enclore!

I wish to add Encore