Sunday, September 4, 2022


So there I was deep in -  

Deep into the Cobalt Blues.

With nothing much to do I thought  

But cook clean research and to Jot

So all this on a Saturn night too

Did leave me Singing. The Cobalt Blues

Then off. To bed Irate went I 

Hoping to awake. With my Spirits high. 

Awoke did I on this weekend morn

With not much changed it was long past dawn.

Then YOU showed up so full of Glee

Inviting me to your Shampoo a dog Party 😀 

And there I beheld the sweetest pup-dog

So patient, obedient. So well brought up!

Delighted! Amazed I observed her good grace 

as you lathered, rinsed then towelled her up 

And STILL the best was yet to come 

For once released from bathroom floor

Was cute dog now 

a dog transformed:

From meek and mild to Super Dog 

this change was really quite a funny sight!

Her riotous rush down corridors

Her doggy claws on screeching floors

Left me in fits of repeated giggles and

Capping madly for more? For Sure! 

I wish to add Encore! Enclore!

I wish to add Encore

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