Monday, October 31, 2022


On that particular NACHT, the glass began to crack: 

On mirrors and on light bulbs 

and on screens of various kinds.

Those blue grey dark hued surfaces 

for years had taken note - 

Of all the things we'd left unsaid no stone was left untold. 

They followed all our every wheres

The hows and all the whys?

Behind granny E's vacuous face you'll find 

Her stupid lies. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Gift

And so this sunny morning am. Giving you this gift: 

Presented neatly bowed up - 

Wrapped up with L.o.Ve from me!

And when you open up delighted, look within inside

You'll find the gift of Nothing


Noting nothing from me unkind. 

I won't be sellotaping labels. 

I won't Labelle this thing

I won't be gifting Ancient Grudgements 

No thefts nor lies will bring.

Nor projecting malicious gifts 

filled with new. New Roses  

Nor old new roses that box you in? 

I'll say it now: that is NOT my thing.

So what say you as I smile and blink? 

What say you to the gift of nothink?

What say you on this sunny morning?

To the wonderful Gift of Nothing?

Sunday, October 16, 2022


Where are the mints?

Well they reside with the true authentic 

owners. Those with wisdom, first-hand life 

experience including benevolent intentions.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


So this is... / maybe

a Yam?

Who knows? 

But in the meantime let's stop 

Strike a Pose,

Like Madonna on the cover 

of Vogue,

for who knows?

Maybe this is and maybe it is

And maybe aim



Her      Mum? 

Me       😐 ?

Her.     Could you take us trick or treating this Halloween?

Me         💤 !

Her.       Come on! Please ?

Me         Snore  💤 !

Her         Please? please? please?

Me          Snore...💤  Snore.....💤  Snore....💤

Her        😠  

Me         😠

Child 2 to Child 1:  

You know mum won't take us trick or treating. Unless people start handing out free jars of Nutella

Both of them:   😂😂😂

Me      😋

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Extra Special Glasses

Her:   Mum? Wot are you finking?

Me:    Th- th -

Her:   Vat's wot I said: "F, f..." 

         Wot are you finking?

Me:     😎