Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Gift

And so this sunny morning am. Giving you this gift: 

Presented neatly bowed up - 

Wrapped up with L.o.Ve from me!

And when you open up delighted, look within inside

You'll find the gift of Nothing


Noting nothing from me unkind. 

I won't be sellotaping labels. 

I won't Labelle this thing

I won't be gifting Ancient Grudgements 

No thefts nor lies will bring.

Nor projecting malicious gifts 

filled with new. New Roses  

Nor old new roses that box you in? 

I'll say it now: that is NOT my thing.

So what say you as I smile and blink? 

What say you to the gift of nothink?

What say you on this sunny morning?

To the wonderful Gift of Nothing?

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