Thursday, November 17, 2022

Vertical Lines

Victor taught us much in his quest to seek out 

the meaning behind the shadows -

shining a light into the recesses of man's mind.

Of all the thousands of words he uttered

It is the image of the Bird and the Sunlight:

Beyond those Vertical Lines 

His words - at least for me tonight 

the only ones containing any Real Meaning.

Today & tonight surrounded as IAm

by this hideous sea of gilded grey

I watch closely as unobserved, 

he slides yet another small piece of bread 

into the inner pocket of his jacket

And all those old vertical lines from before? 

Although now long gone

They remain deeply embedded within his soul.

And tonight across this vast ocean of space and silence 

I learn that residing amongst his satin-lined pockets

One can find not only crusts and crumbs

But also the crumbs and keys

(To Frank lest we forget)

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