Friday, August 17, 2018

What IS in a Name?

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet...." and so the 14 year old Juliet waxes lyrical about her sweetheart Romeo. 

Although three decades older, I too can relate to Juliet's sentiments; as this question has been on my mind all morning.

I too, have been dwelling on the name of my newly discovered love. A name that to me would taste just as sweet in any other teacup, mug, jug or bowl. 

We only met one another three weeks ago. And during that encounter when first putting pen to paper, I wasn't to fully realise the impact of my sweetheart's name. 

We're still in the early stages of getting to know one another. This name. And me. Upon waking IT, is the first thing on my mind. The last thing too as I tumble into the land of nod. So whose name has captured my heart so? 

Drumroll here for... Cuppso! And what is a Cuppso? Well you might ask. Is Cuppso:

An animal? 

Or simultaneously all and none of the above? Well it is in fact the name of my latest project. An idea and a concept that continues to develop daily in my mind. 

And should anyone ask at this stage what Cuppso means to me then like Juliet my reply would reflect the impact this name has upon me: 

My Cuppso is All Cuppso 
Fully black and white 
day and night 

And my Cuppso? My all Cuppso? 
by any other name 
would look and taste, 
as it brews and it pastes 
its name 
all over my heart 

Its presence more sweetly present
than any other beverage resident,
in my thoughts,
and my bowl,
My Cuppso is
All body and 
All soul 

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