Monday, August 27, 2018

That Secret Extra Ingredient

Sigh! What to do when, as an introvert, one totally- physically, spiritually, emotionally runs out of energy and motivation for entertaining one's children? 

What does one do when, as a single parent, one has nothing left to give? 

We are now five weeks into the six-week school summer holidays. I already (panic!) ran out of steam 10 days ago after our long weekend with friends in London.  

As my energy and motivation are currently AWOL, I wake up a soggy, deflated, mass of grumpiness and reluctance.

Facing two cheerfully bright-eyed, bushy tailed, fully recharged little human beings can fill one with dread at this time of the year.

If only top-up service stations were provided for us parents and all we had to do was to plug a hose-pipe into our mouths and fill up on our cuppso beverages of choice...

No one expects a car with an empty tank to "go" anywhere so why do we as parents force ourselves to run on empty? For weeks on end?

Ok the latter is a silly question - sometimes we have no choice.

When caffeine is simply not enough, then something extra is called for. In sheer desperation I attended my first LANO YOGA session this morning. Their philosophy is to Look After Number One. 

Everything came together: physically, mentally and emotionally. I haven't felt this fully re-charged in nearly 4 years. Yes I ache all over but I can feel all do I call it? Suppressed tension that I've been holding on to, leaving all my joints.

So bring on the rest of the summer school holidays, Mary Poppins is back in business!

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