Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Back in 1999 I remember borrowing a slim book from the library. I don't remember the title. Only the two words and concept that jumped out at me:

Impulsivity versus Intuition. 

The paragraph distinguished between the two in a way that has remained with me to this day. Basically both are voices/ feelings that coexist inside us. The former is short term. The latter isn't. 

If a voice screams inside our heads to do something RIGHT NOW!!!!! Then that is impulse talking.

Intuition is different, it is that whisper buried underneath all the noise and distractions; it can both inspire and terrify us. 

It is harder to hear easier to ignore. 

But it never. 


Leaves us. 

Intuition often feels counter-intuitive, insane and illogical (to others).  It is difficult follow.

Still, it is the most incredibly joyful, rewarding place to be for those choosing to follow. 

Although I am good at listening to my intuition, recently, I discovered and personally experienced a new set of problems: 

  • My intuition clashes with someone else's / another group's impulsivity (yikes!) 

  • My impulsivity clashes with someone else's / another group's intuition (oops!)

Distinguishing amongst above said variables can sometimes be challenging but it IS worth doing 💓💓

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