What if there aren't 800 bureaucrats working in Whitehall Central London?
How many of the 800 permanent bureaucrats aren't real?
How many of these bureaucrats don't exist?
What percentage of financial corruption exists?
Who authorized/ authorised unlawful, illegal, fraudulent pension payments? (read below)
(British Dept of Work & Pension)
fmr landlady Christine Kennard (UK Grey VW van RK16 JSV)
is receiving now Galina Anikeeva's Pension from the DWP
British DWP claim Galina lives at: Flat 26 PO121AN
She doesn't
There are no curtains
Everyone can see flat 26 has been empty for over 6 months
Linked-In connected Welsh solicitor/ free Mason
Tom Mitchell did the fraudulent paper work for Mrs Kennard
He falsified court documents with FAKE signature/ initials.
Tom Mitchell lied under oath in court
Via a bogus court case
that took place last year: June 26 2024
Galina Antonovna Anikeeva aged 75
was not present at this UK Britian Portsmouth based court hearing
Galina neither signed/ nor initialld Tom Mitchells's court documents
Tom Mitchell acting on behalf of Chirstine Kennard
filled in the Court documents
pretending to be Galina.
Based on this court hearing:
British DWP (dept of work & pensions) made the decision to pay
Galina's pension payments of £183-222 a week to former landlady Christine & Vincent Kennard.
Based on the lies under oath and 10 counts of falsified documents
All payments to the Kennards must be stopped and refunded.
with immediate effect.
Below is my former post from last week:
800 permanent bureaucrats supposedly rule
a great deal of the UK, EU, USA. AFRICA
In short many parts of the World.
Headed by Tony Blair / Sophie Blair & others like them
These 800 mainly baby-boomer bureaucrats
believe they own people Worldwide.
They Don't
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