Sunday, February 23, 2025




UP until 2025,  800 permanent bureaucrats ruled 

a great deal of the UK, EU, USA. AFRICA

In short many parts of the World.

Who Heads this group?  Tony Blair and Sophie Blair

Yes. THE Tony Blair of the Iran/ Iraq War 1990-2010

These 800 mainly baby-boomer bureaucrats 

believe they own people Worldwide. 

Up until 2025 they were correct. 

They owned the NPC, blue-pilled individuals.

They owned flying-monkeys , thieves, greedy copy-cats, mindless mimics.

They owned the jealous and the green with envy envious.

They own the lazy easy to manipulate and 

Easy to control people.

Unfortunately, these bureaucrats target innocent, 

unaware people and families: including children. 

Gaslighting and playing cruel mind-games online 

and in the real-world. 

This goes as far back as 1914,  World War 1 

When British 'empire' targeted 

Their own soldiers.

In 2025 there are roughly 100 000 targeted 

Individuals in the UK alone. 

No one is exempt

from their gaslighting and manipulation.

Not even Presidents and billionaires.

However we are in a new era that is disconnected

From the BBC, UN, USAID, status-quo, 

Comfort-zone clingy apologists. 

Starting with the entire Blair family;

They must be permanently monitored off- and online.

Disconnected and removed from their posts.

All stolen wealth must be returned to the people.

As a family, they must learn to live on Universal 

Basic Income alone.

First check that all 800 so called 'permanent' 

Whitehall bureaucrats are actual living human beings.

They and their closest allies and contacts 

must be monitored online and offline. 

All their activities, whatever they falsely claim 

is their 'property' including: other human beings,

businesses, assets, precious metals, Bitcoin. 

Everything must be questioned audited and accounted for.

Their bank accounts frozen and 90% of their assets returned 

to the public and back to the World.

This bloated Whitehall Swamp of 800 individuals is to be drained

to 14 individuals. 

Comprising of former outliers and outsiders.

Spiritually-bankrupt individuals

their families and allies need not apply.

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