Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Pint-sized Human Radios

I love my morning Cuppso's. One or two a day is just perfect, but any more than that and I become jittery and slightly manic. 

The same applies to the two most recent major interrupters in my life; NP's and UI's. Noisy People and Unexpected Interruptions.

Like a good Cuppso, both in moderation are great sources to write about. However too much of either (or God forbid both together) leave me feeling I have attended the Mad Hatter's Tea party far too many times; all that noise, sugar and the unexpected interruptions!

Don't get me wrong - I DO like the company of other people, especially those of the pint-sized human variety. Though, over the recent holidays, I encountered one too many of the pint-sized ghetto-blasting variety. 

I sometimes wish there was a shiny round dial attached to the tops of their heads. For easy location. This would make turning down the volume quick and convenient for all involved!

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