Sunday, January 30, 2022

A Bus (named) 'Ee'

A Bus named 'Ee'
A Bus named 'Ee'
Drives Generations-3
Around the City!

And how did 'Ee'?
(I ask you) how did 'Ee'?
Turn to A
Bus (we all call) E?

Could it Bee?
(I wonder) could it bee?
Pied-pipers are A buzzing
Inside of that Ee?

Could it bee?
I say now could it bee?
Old-school bullies have been driving
Us all craz-ee?

And granny-Ee, 
Living so opulently,
Don't you know you 
can't feed the kids on 30p?

Grandpa De
Boomer-baby naive!
Just know you can't feed the kids on 30p

(Written Feb 4th 2021)

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