Sunday, January 30, 2022

Crazy (new) Heaven (part 1/2)

Just found your latest - 

And am listening now -

And all I can say is: thank you!

Can you imagine?

As I listen - your lyrics heal something

The Push - Pull

        Fight - Flight

        Love - Hate - Love

        Crazy-maker thing that's been going on between us lately - 

Your lyrics; rebuilding - 

The bridge right back into my heart

Rebuilding the trust, love and faith:

That we do still love and respect

Are still moving in the right direction

Can still overcome the accusations and

Hideousolic misunderstandings:

About who is being faithful - or not,

Telling the truth - or not

Acting crazy - or not

Gray - or not

Loves the other one enough,

or not.


All I know is together we ARE stronger

But you know what?

Loving (the other) is a frightening thing

Loving you is a frightening thing

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