Thursday, January 30, 2025

BLATANT LIES The Limes Portsmouth UK / Abduction


The Limes, Milton Park,

Solent Drive, Locksway Rd, 

Southsea, PO4 8LD 

Portsmouth. UK 

    Jan 31st 2025



Re: Whereabouts of Galina Anikeeva age 75

To Limes House management: LOUISE ELLIOTT / V WOODHAM,

I understand, for the past 7 weeks, you have been holding Galina Anikeeva, unlawfully against her will at: The Limes. Elderly mental Institution. You are a Institution run by Solent NHS Trust. Near Fratton (Portsmouth UK) train station.

2 Days ago: On Tuesday 28th Jan, during a 999 UK emergency, missing persons phone call, Police confirmed Galina was indeed at The Limes St James Hospital Trust

Today, Jan 31st 1.10pm UK time, 

The Limes' receptionist, denied Galina Anikeeva had ever been at your premises. As a small institution you would know who your residents are.

Kindly explain the discrepancy between 999 UK Emergency Police &  The Limes Receptionist.

Explain why Solent NHS Trust are holding Galina under a false/fake name:

Explain why Solent NHS Trust been holding Galina Anikeeva under a false/ fake identity.

I am waiting for The Limes, Management to contact me regarding this as a matter of urgency.


To Willow Group

Forton Medical Centre

Whites Place, Gosport

Hampshire, Britain

PO12 3JP

30 Jan 2025




To Dr E Vera-Cruz Chelsey Jallow,

Kindly explain why a fake request and Warrant was used to break into Galina's home & Section her under the Mental health act. 

Explain explain how it is that the Taunton magistrate's department doesn't even exist.

Kindly explain why Rob Hewett's / dob 15 Jan 196, has been used, in all these unlawful incidents. Also, his fully connection to the British Foster care system.

Since Galina Anikeeva politely declined your numerous invitations for elderly mental health check ups; it would seem you cannot take 'no' for an answer.  Over the years, Galina has advised British NHS to use their cash-strapped funds elsewhere. So why force her to use your services? 

Robert Hewett's (semi-literate caretaker) black Volvo SUV vehicle GF 58 EOX was seen taking Galina by force to 'The Limes'  elderly mental health ward St James Hospital Portsmouth.  

  • The Willow Group, Forton Gosport
  • The Hilsea Police Portsmouth
  • Robert Hewett: nosy / interfering neighbor
  • Raphael James Cohn worshipper of Mammon/ Zionist /Mason (estranged ex from 2015) is involved in this matter.


Galina Anikeeva remains unlawfully held against her will at:

The Lime Ward Mgt: 

Louisa Elliott & Vicky Woodham

The Limes, Milton Park,

Solent Drive, Locksway Rd, 


PO4 8LD, 



Are British police bought and paid for in 

ways the general public cannot even 

begin to comprehend? 


I am paraphrasing his question. 

He has been documenting how 'rogue' police in Britain illegally / unlawfully attempt to evict homeowners up & down the country.

Women / those living in remote areas 

seem to be the target of this shameful behavior

With many allegations of fraud and theft

Worst are fake arrest warrants from 

Courts that don't exist:

 Warrants used to unlawfully break into 

people's homes all over Britain.

10th Dec 2024 A fake warrant 

from a non-existent department at 

Taunton Magistrate's Court was used 

to take my motherGalina  to Lime House mental Ward 

in Portsmouth UK. 

When I asked Pc Daniella Evans why I was arrested 

that same day Dec 10th 2024, 

her answer to me was: 

"I am following orders"

Time will tell if Police are on the 

wrong side of History 

in these crazy times

Hilsea Police Station Dec 10 2024

To Hilsea Police Station,

Custody East PP, Investigation Centre,

Merlin Park,

Airport Service Rd, Copnor,

Portsmouth, Hampshire


Custody Ref CR 240005908

Re: Unlawful arrest at 11am Dec 10 2024.


Nov 2024: I travelled for work/ business purposes and left my daughters in my mother's care. We have had a written agreement in place with social services since 2020 on this matter. There was no reason for police to get involved in November 2024. This matter is still on-going.

Upon my return to the UK, Monday night, 9th Dec 2024, I found a voicemail from Marie Harding at Hampshire Children's Services. She suggested I contact Hilsea UK, Portsmouth Police station. To find out the whereabouts of my children.

Police constable Emma Campbell and pc Daniella Evans told me to go to Hilsea police station the next morning, Tue 10th Dec 11am. They claimed everything would be explained once I got there. Upon my arrival, I was arrested by 9 'white' officers.

 'this was the only way to get her (the mother) to come to the police station.' In other words: my daughters were used as 'bait' to get me to enter the police station. 

Pc Emma Campbell

I was released 10 hours later. To date no explanation as to my daughter's whereabouts.

I understand my older daughter A Cohn was in temporary foster care (from 25th Nov / Dec 2024) with pc Daniella Evans, Waterlooville Hampshire. The same group of police that called the mother into the police station are paid to foster the children. 

My electronic devices/ SIM cards  were confiscated. 

My laptop was returned but not my phones 

There has been: no letter / no email / no phone calls . DAWN BUDDENS claims to have left numerous phone messages - however as my confiscated phones are still at Hilsea police station - I  have not received any messages to date.

As my phones were confiscated on 10 Dec 2024, and are still being held at Hilsea Portsmouth Police station, the police there would have received all incoming messages regarding this matter, over the past 7 weeks. 

No-one from Kent children's services or from Hampshire Police have contacted me in that time.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Kent Rd Family centre: DAWN BUDDENS/ KEZ

To Kent Rd Family Centre

Gosport, Hampshire, UK



Tel 01329 221568


Jan 30th 2025


Re: Demand for the immediate return & reinstatement of A M Cohn & I G Cohn to their biological mother; main caregiver. Both children unlawfully put into foster care since Nov 28th 2024. 

Demand to RETRACT statement that a 'permanent' foster care has been found for the younger child Irony Cohn.


This is confirm  meeting today at 9am today at the Children & Family Centre in Bridagemary Gosport, Britain

Meeting now postponed until Tue 4th Feb 1pm

The following needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency:

Kent Road Family Centre, Gosport has acted in an unlawful manner and must rectify the situation as soon as possible.

 The 2020 agreement with Hampshire Children's services still stands: Whenever the children's mother/ main caregiver is away for work/ business - the children are to be left in the maternal grand-mother's care. Attempts by the mother to contact children's services by phone up until Jan 28th 2025 get blocked by this organization. 

Both children are currently being unlawfully held in foster care at this time. PC Daniella Evans of Waterlooville, Hampshire, UK appers to have  acted as foster carer to the A M Cohn. This is the same woman that  had the children's mother arrested under false pretexts on Tue 10th Dec 2024 11am.

Up until 28th Jan 2025,  Kent Family Centre Gosport made no attempt to contact said, regarding the whereabouts of her children.  Furthermore attempts for the mother to contact her children were blocked; even during Christmas/ New Year and Birthdays.

Proper notice to the children's main caregive was never requested at any point for Aurora and Irony Cohn to be taken into care.

Consent by the main caregiver was never given for Kent road family Centre, Gosport to act in this manner. The children's main caregiver / mother: Victoria Udom was never asked for, has not, does not and did not give consent for her children to be taken into care.

When contacted -  Winchester Head Office (for adult/ children's services) for the whole of Hampshire informed the mother there is no record of this case in their system/ database. 

When contacted by the children's main caregiver,  Winchester Children's services advised the mother I phone 999 Police, to report her daughters as missing persons for the past 7-9 weeks.

As such, both children must now be returned to the mother / main caregiver with immediate effect. 

P.s. I have noted the many terrible / negative reviews you received from those that have had to deal with your 'Family' services. I also note you are just 5 mins from Bridgemary STEM Secondary school. 

Victoria Udom

Mother / Main caregiver

30th Jan 2025

Backstory of the past 7-9 weeks:

Since my return to the UK on Dec 9th 2024 nobody from Kent Rd Family Centre Gosport has attempted to contact me regarding the whereabouts of my daughters. 

Gosport Borough Council advised me to contact Winchester Head Office for Adult/ Children's Services, regarding my 3 missing family members.When I visited the Winchester Head Office for Children / Adult Social services I was informed; they have no record of my missing daughters'/ mother's whereabouts. 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Obanikoro Lagos



The White House

18 Babs Kazeem,


Lagos, Nigeria

January 2025



The Charismatic Church you hold on Saturdays at your home. 

What is that all about? 

What are you hiding?

Explain in detail what has gone on in that Ungodly place. 

2020:  TEMIOPE et al. You stole my part of the inheritance.

Why did your own biological mother standby and watch in silence?

You have behaved as parasites and thieves. 

Your family issues are your problem

From this moment on you are all cut off, disowned, banished

My life, my biological mother's life. My biological daughters' lives.

Everyone that is/ has ever been connected to you is also now and in thefuture: cut off, disowned, banished from our lives. AMEN


Thursday, January 16, 2025


To ELAINE LAMBERT COHN dob 26 Oct 1946 @ Hambelthorp Farm, Bradley Village Yorkshire

Strange NCP woman.  Mindless as can be.

in Godless Shadowland existing

Soulless. And asleep

Snoring.  Boring

Marbles lost long ago

In the furthest right corners of said houses

a-nod-looking brass samovars they keep:

Inscription upon it 

Reads:  'Jan 22 1895'

Coincidence or what? No! I think not

Cult practices as she keeps a-sneezing

out of brain-dead jealousy

Methods to manipulate gaslight 

Or to fill with gradual hate

The stench from muggle ugly mum

Has sealed her own dark fate

Truth is not what she wants to see:

So Indifference is her thing

Comfort-zone is what she clings to

Her foolish ignorant man no better

Hopping from rage to mindless rage

they choose to stay firmly fixed 

inside tiny mind cage


STEM secondary schools


 STEM Leadership Team

Bridgemary School

Wych Lane, Gosport



UK, Britain

January 2025

Re: STEM programs in British secondary schools

To Cheryl Heron (former sports teacher at Leeds, Yorkshire, UK. All other  Leadership  teams working at: Bridgemary School Gosport from  to the present day.

Dear Madam/ Sirs

  • Define children /families involved in the STEM 'Program.' 
  • Define children / families targeted by the STEM 'Program.' 
  • Are home-schooled families targeted by this program? Explain why.
  • Measure the extent  that: jealousy / envy / malice / stupidity play a part in those targeted by this program.

An 2002 example :

Name all individuals involved in false accusations made against Galina Antonovna back in 2002, who authorized the 20 year long UK/ Gosport part of the gang-stalking program against her and why?

After months of false accusations loss of her job as a teacher & police involvement. The case was dropped against her without any from of apology/ reimbursement

The Puzzle


To Sally Edwards

Taunton Magistrates Court

St John's Road

Taunton, Somerset 


UK, Britain

12 January 2025

Re: Whereabouts of Galina Antonovna Anikeeva Aged 75

Dear Madam,

Is this following normal practice in Britain in 2024?

Monday evening 9th Dec 2024. I arrived back in Britain, following a work / business trip.  Galina Aged 75, (dob 2 Feb 1949) was at Flat 43 St Matthews Ct. Gosport UK. I met with her and spoke to her that evening and the following morning.

Tuesday 10 Dec 11am. 

I went to Hilsea Portsmouth UK, police station to find out the whereabouts of my 2 daughters as well.  Galina was calm and normal. I returned later that evening to find Galina had vanished. 

I was later told a Warrant was issued under Section 135(1) Mental Health Act. 

Who requested for Taunton Magistrates Court, Britian to issue this warrant and why?

What's Galina's local GP, Dr David Chilvers at Waterside Medical Centre responsible for this authorization? If yes, was this done for financial gain

Was the estranged reactive  ex, Rapahel James Cohn (dob 23 Feb 1977 tel +44 07590675756) involved in this matter

Was the Landlord David Evans involved is this matter?

It has been 5 weeks since her family last saw her. 

Galina's Local Medical Centre / Galina's doctor of 10+ years claims not to be involved  know her whereabouts. 

When the police were contacted they claimed Waterside Medical Centre had issued the warrant. 

Waterside Medical centre are adamant that they did not issue this Warrant.

Galina's doctor  David Chilvers recently phoned in October 2024. Dr Chilvers insisted there was nothing wrong with Galina's mental health.

Taunton Magistrates Court is in a different part of Britain UK.  Sally Edwards (Legal Adviser, and KC(JP) signed the letter dated Nov 29 2024.

Galina's Local Medical Centre / Galina's Doctor / Galina's own family members have not seen any signs of Mental illness. 

Galina can be stubborn & head-strong. Such character traits are NOT signs - /nor evidence of mental illness.

Kindly provide the name(s) of those that:

1. Overrode Galina's doctor's most recent assessment

2. Overrode Galina's family's observations

3. Issued this Warrant.

4. Kindly confirm if STEM schools in Britain UK are involved

6. Provide names of those attempting unlawful power of attorney for  Galina Antonovna Anikeeva.

7. Provide details of financial incentives care homes/ hospitals may have for authorizing this action.




Rapid Secure Ltd,

1 & 2 Acorn Court

Silfield, Wymondham

Norfolk, NR 18 9AL, Britain

Tel: 01953 601911

Jan 2025

Late Nov 2024, Rapid Secure Ltd UK, unlawfully / illegally broke-in and entry into my studio apartment. 

Who authorized you to do this and why? Kindly name the individuals involved. 

You arrived late at night: 

1. Damaged the door frame to my property.

2. Stole my house keys

3. Terrorized my teenaged child.

I was away for work / business during that time. 

I had left my children in my mother 's care during that time. This was a long-standing agreement I had had with social services for a couple of years. 

There was ZERO reason for anyone to instruct you to break into my property.

Below are names of those you are instructed to take legal action against: 

Leadership team at 'STEM' Bridgemary school Gosport, Wych Lane, Hampshire.

Online stalker/ masonic cult member: Raphael James Cohn (dob 23 Feb 1977) Tel 07590-675-756. 
His parents: Elaine Lambert Cohn (dob: 26 Oct 1946) David Cohn (dob 24 Feb 1950) Hamblethorpe Farm, Bradley  Village, Bradford North Yorkshire BD20

Pc Emma Campbell / Pc Daniella Evans at Hilsea Police Station, Portsmouth Hampshire, UK Britain. Obedient flying monkeys

Robert Hewitt caretaker (dob 15 Jan 196?)  14 year resident of Flat 22 St Matthews court Owner of black Volvo GF58 EOX 
Another obedient flying monkey. 

Miss Stevie Star at Bayhouse school Gosport Hampshire. / 

Saturday, January 11, 2025


 Nr 3 / Nr 8 Coombs Close, 

Waterlooville, PO8 OHE


Britian, UK

12 Jan 2025

To all Directors of St Matthews Court Nr 2, King Street, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 UK

  • To Alen Louth (dob May 1969) Owner Flat 45/44 St Matthews Ct
  • To 'Sparky Mark' Mark Stockton (dob May 1970) Owner of Flat 45/44 St Matthews Ct
  • David Evans (dob Feb 1953) Owner Flat 43 St Matthews Ct
  • David Mearns (dob ) Owner of Flat 51 St Matthews Court

This is to inform you that on Jan 6th 2025, Victoria Udom has resigned with immediate effect, as director of St Matthews Court Nr2.

Who are Bentley, Jackson and Tang Ltd / Org?

To TBJ Solicitors Ltd

151 West Street, 



UK Britain

January 2025


your tel 02392 001401

This is in response to your letter (ref Ref 101224/011) dated 6 Jan 2025.  You addressed your letter to Ms Victoria Udom. Are you referring to the Trust of Victoria Udom? If so, I am the beneficiary of this Trust.

Your letter is with regards to the unlawful police arrest that occurred between 11am - 12noon UK time on Tuesday Dec 10 2024 at the new-build Hilsea Police station in Portsmouth UK. Pc Emma Campbell asked the mother  Victoria to visit this station to find out what has happened to her children.

If Tang, Bentley & Jackson Ltd, wish to act in this matter,  then they must first clarify the following in writing:

1. What links does TBJ have to far-right groups in Britain, Gosport / Fareham / Hampshire UKand /or abroad?

a. Has / Ltd sworn oaths to any secret societies? If 'yes', then kindly name the secret societies has sworn secret oaths to:

b. Kindly define / describe category of individuals/ families TBJ targets in this line of 'business'.

c. Would it be fair to say that TBJ Ltd / Org targets: 

Marginalized groups? (Yes or No)

Single parent families? (Yes or No)

Homeschooled families?

d. Kindly name all individuals that made the decision to target the teenaged daughters of Victoria Udom 28th November 2024.

e. What interest groups do you have backing your project / organisation & your company?

 2a. In your letter  you claim to be: 'Road Traffic Law Specialists.' Kindly elaborate on the true nature of your business and, 

b. Define the kinds of vehicle drivers, TBJ targets.

c. Describe in detail all decisions in late November 2024, with regards to Aurora Marie & Idony Grace  that could be viewed as unlawful / illegal and or acting with prejudice. 

Was the estranged father of the children (and his parents) involved in this matter?

Name the individuals and their job roles (if any)  that were involved in the decision making. 


Remote- Viewing

To landlords / Directors of St Matthews Ct 2: 

David Evans / Alan Louth / Mark Stocken/ David Mearns

3 Coombs Close

Waterlooville, Hampshire


12 Jan 2025 (dob Feb 1953)

David Evans' address: 

6 Buddens Rd, Wickham Rd, Hampshire, 5HQ PO17 UK

David Evans' Tel 07785 372128

To Former Landlord: David W Evans 

As a Mason / landlord you mentioned you prefer to let your property  to single young women (mainly mothers and their young children).

You recently sent a letter (dated 7th Dec 2024) to the Trust of Victoria Udom St Matthews Court, Gosport, Hampshire, UK. Are you referring to the trust of: Victoria Udom? If so I am the sole beneficiary of this trust. 

Kindly respond to the following questions: 

1. What is the true nature of your job as 'landlord' of this 2 bedroom apartment?

1b. Who authorized: Dave & his red head 'wife' Jo at flat 44 St Matthews Court PO121AW (the flat above) to remote view the family at flat 43? 

Alen Louth / Sparky Mark Stockton are landlords of flat 44 & Flat 48.

2. What money /profit have you made in the past 4 years surveillancing this Flat?

3. How much IP (intellectual property theft) and business theft did you permit to occur from Nov 2021 to Dec 7th 2024? 

4. How many business groups / entities / individuals/ Police organisations (current/ former members of British far-right organizations did you permit to enter Flat 43 by any means whatsoever?

5. Name all Nigerian entities /Masons, you permitted to remote-view Flat 43 (in UK Britain) unbeknown to your tenants.

6. Name all 7th Day Adventists that were allowed to remote view the under-aged children living in flat 43. 

7. How often was the biological  Raphael James Cohn, allowed amongst many others to remote view his children unbeknownst to them? 

I look forward to receiving a full and truthful response.