To Kent Rd Family Centre
Gosport, Hampshire, UK
Tel 01329 221568
Jan 30th 2025
Re: Demand for the immediate return & reinstatement of A M Cohn & I G Cohn to their biological mother; main caregiver. Both children unlawfully put into foster care since Nov 28th 2024.
Demand to RETRACT statement that a 'permanent' foster care has been found for the younger child Irony Cohn.
This is confirm meeting today at 9am today at the Children & Family Centre in Bridagemary Gosport, Britain.
Meeting now postponed until Tue 4th Feb 1pm
The following needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency:
Kent Road Family Centre, Gosport has acted in an unlawful manner and must rectify the situation as soon as possible.
The 2020 agreement with Hampshire Children's services still stands: Whenever the children's mother/ main caregiver is away for work/ business - the children are to be left in the maternal grand-mother's care. Attempts by the mother to contact children's services by phone up until Jan 28th 2025 get blocked by this organization.
Both children are currently being unlawfully held in foster care at this time. PC Daniella Evans of Waterlooville, Hampshire, UK appers to have acted as foster carer to the A M Cohn. This is the same woman that had the children's mother arrested under false pretexts on Tue 10th Dec 2024 11am.
Up until 28th Jan 2025, Kent Family Centre Gosport made no attempt to contact said, regarding the whereabouts of her children. Furthermore attempts for the mother to contact her children were blocked; even during Christmas/ New Year and Birthdays.
Proper notice to the children's main caregive was never requested at any point for Aurora and Irony Cohn to be taken into care.
Consent by the main caregiver was never given for Kent road family Centre, Gosport to act in this manner. The children's main caregiver / mother: Victoria Udom was never asked for, has not, does not and did not give consent for her children to be taken into care.
When contacted - Winchester Head Office (for adult/ children's services) for the whole of Hampshire informed the mother there is no record of this case in their system/ database.
When contacted by the children's main caregiver, Winchester Children's services advised the mother I phone 999 Police, to report her daughters as missing persons for the past 7-9 weeks.
As such, both children must now be returned to the mother / main caregiver with immediate effect.
P.s. I have noted the many terrible / negative reviews you received from those that have had to deal with your 'Family' services. I also note you are just 5 mins from Bridgemary STEM Secondary school.
Victoria Udom
Mother / Main caregiver
30th Jan 2025
Backstory of the past 7-9 weeks:
Since my return to the UK on Dec 9th 2024 nobody from Kent Rd Family Centre Gosport has attempted to contact me regarding the whereabouts of my daughters.
Gosport Borough Council advised me to contact Winchester Head Office for Adult/ Children's Services, regarding my 3 missing family members.When I visited the Winchester Head Office for Children / Adult Social services I was informed; they have no record of my missing daughters'/ mother's whereabouts.