Saturday, January 11, 2025

Who are Bentley, Jackson and Tang Ltd / Org?

To TBJ Solicitors Ltd

151 West Street, 



UK Britain

January 2025


your tel 02392 001401

This is in response to your letter (ref Ref 101224/011) dated 6 Jan 2025.  You addressed your letter to Ms Victoria Udom. Are you referring to the Trust of Victoria Udom? If so, I am the beneficiary of this Trust.

Your letter is with regards to the unlawful police arrest that occurred between 11am - 12noon UK time on Tuesday Dec 10 2024 at the new-build Hilsea Police station in Portsmouth UK. Pc Emma Campbell asked the mother  Victoria to visit this station to find out what has happened to her children.

If Tang, Bentley & Jackson Ltd, wish to act in this matter,  then they must first clarify the following in writing:

1. What links does TBJ have to far-right groups in Britain, Gosport / Fareham / Hampshire UKand /or abroad?

a. Has / Ltd sworn oaths to any secret societies? If 'yes', then kindly name the secret societies has sworn secret oaths to:

b. Kindly define / describe category of individuals/ families TBJ targets in this line of 'business'.

c. Would it be fair to say that TBJ Ltd / Org targets: 

Marginalized groups? (Yes or No)

Single parent families? (Yes or No)

Homeschooled families?

d. Kindly name all individuals that made the decision to target the teenaged daughters of Victoria Udom 28th November 2024.

e. What interest groups do you have backing your project / organisation & your company?

 2a. In your letter  you claim to be: 'Road Traffic Law Specialists.' Kindly elaborate on the true nature of your business and, 

b. Define the kinds of vehicle drivers, TBJ targets.

c. Describe in detail all decisions in late November 2024, with regards to Aurora Marie & Idony Grace  that could be viewed as unlawful / illegal and or acting with prejudice. 

Was the estranged father of the children (and his parents) involved in this matter?

Name the individuals and their job roles (if any)  that were involved in the decision making. 


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