Thursday, January 30, 2025

Hilsea Police Station Dec 10 2024

To Hilsea Police Station,

Custody East PP, Investigation Centre,

Merlin Park,

Airport Service Rd, Copnor,

Portsmouth, Hampshire


Custody Ref CR 240005908

Re: Unlawful arrest at 11am Dec 10 2024.


Nov 2024: I travelled for work/ business purposes and left my daughters in my mother's care. We have had a written agreement in place with social services since 2020 on this matter. There was no reason for police to get involved in November 2024. This matter is still on-going.

Upon my return to the UK, Monday night, 9th Dec 2024, I found a voicemail from Marie Harding at Hampshire Children's Services. She suggested I contact Hilsea UK, Portsmouth Police station. To find out the whereabouts of my children.

Police constable Emma Campbell and pc Daniella Evans told me to go to Hilsea police station the next morning, Tue 10th Dec 11am. They claimed everything would be explained once I got there. Upon my arrival, I was arrested by 9 'white' officers.

 'this was the only way to get her (the mother) to come to the police station.' In other words: my daughters were used as 'bait' to get me to enter the police station. 

Pc Emma Campbell

I was released 10 hours later. To date no explanation as to my daughter's whereabouts.

I understand my older daughter A Cohn was in temporary foster care (from 25th Nov / Dec 2024) with pc Daniella Evans, Waterlooville Hampshire. The same group of police that called the mother into the police station are paid to foster the children. 

My electronic devices/ SIM cards  were confiscated. 

My laptop was returned but not my phones 

There has been: no letter / no email / no phone calls . DAWN BUDDENS claims to have left numerous phone messages - however as my confiscated phones are still at Hilsea police station - I  have not received any messages to date.

As my phones were confiscated on 10 Dec 2024, and are still being held at Hilsea Portsmouth Police station, the police there would have received all incoming messages regarding this matter, over the past 7 weeks. 

No-one from Kent children's services or from Hampshire Police have contacted me in that time.

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