Saturday, January 11, 2025

Remote- Viewing

To landlords / Directors of St Matthews Ct 2: 

David Evans / Alan Louth / Mark Stocken/ David Mearns

3 Coombs Close

Waterlooville, Hampshire


12 Jan 2025 (dob Feb 1953)

David Evans' address: 

6 Buddens Rd, Wickham Rd, Hampshire, 5HQ PO17 UK

David Evans' Tel 07785 372128

To Former Landlord: David W Evans 

As a Mason / landlord you mentioned you prefer to let your property  to single young women (mainly mothers and their young children).

You recently sent a letter (dated 7th Dec 2024) to the Trust of Victoria Udom St Matthews Court, Gosport, Hampshire, UK. Are you referring to the trust of: Victoria Udom? If so I am the sole beneficiary of this trust. 

Kindly respond to the following questions: 

1. What is the true nature of your job as 'landlord' of this 2 bedroom apartment?

1b. Who authorized: Dave & his red head 'wife' Jo at flat 44 St Matthews Court PO121AW (the flat above) to remote view the family at flat 43? 

Alen Louth / Sparky Mark Stockton are landlords of flat 44 & Flat 48.

2. What money /profit have you made in the past 4 years surveillancing this Flat?

3. How much IP (intellectual property theft) and business theft did you permit to occur from Nov 2021 to Dec 7th 2024? 

4. How many business groups / entities / individuals/ Police organisations (current/ former members of British far-right organizations did you permit to enter Flat 43 by any means whatsoever?

5. Name all Nigerian entities /Masons, you permitted to remote-view Flat 43 (in UK Britain) unbeknown to your tenants.

6. Name all 7th Day Adventists that were allowed to remote view the under-aged children living in flat 43. 

7. How often was the biological  Raphael James Cohn, allowed amongst many others to remote view his children unbeknownst to them? 

I look forward to receiving a full and truthful response.

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