Sunday, September 23, 2018

Empty Spaces

It - (did I actually start my sentence with the word 'it'? Yes I did!)... IT, is a well-known fact that nature abhors a vacuum, so what should a person do once the inessentials have been removed? 

Well first off is to pay attention to what one allows back into that cleared space. For some people this will require being hyper-vigilant of what to allow back in. 

For others, this requires trail and error experimentation. For yet others this may mean allowing a greater spirit of creative courage and adventure back into their endeavours. 

My current L.O.VE Focus is on L.O.VE Crafted stories. I have enjoyed my blogging adventures this past month. However, it's now time to knuckle down and continue with my L.O.VE Focused projects.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Shedding the Inessential

A well known author once said that one of the greatest benefits of failure is that it:

'....strips away .... the inessential...'

I love this quote and can totally relate to it. Over the past few years, I too, have been shedding the inessential. 

Old habits, outdated beliefs, possessions that are no longer of value. All have had to go. I don't know whether it is because I am a minimalist or whether it is because it's such a cathartic process. 

All I know is shedding the inessential is very very liberating!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Hot-Housed Humans

Last weekend, I read the Scotsman, Ian Robertson's recently published book, The Stress Test: How Pressure can make you Stronger and Smarter.

I enjoyed this book over several delicious hot chocolate CUPPSOs. 

This book covers real-life accounts of how different people dealt with unexpectedly stressful events.

What the author wanted to know was: 

Why do some people show great resilience in the face of traumatic, often life changing events, whilst others struggle to cope with smaller ordinary events?

The author stumbled on (a part of) the answer in a conversation of all things about ... grass! He describes this under the wonderfully titled "The Grass and the Greenhouse"  - a lovely name don't you think?

Some grass species survive in the toughest of natural environments such as the Russian steppes, where gale force winds batter their stems flat for days on end.

This wasn't the remarkable part though.

What Robertson found most telling was that, when the exact same grass was grown in the sheltered environment of a greenhouse, then:

 "... planted out in the open, 
the first gust of wind (would)
...snap and kill it."

The author concludes (my  words here) that one can get too much of a good thing. In other words too much of the happy, easy life can have a detrimental effect on some people.

This is because such people never had to develop resilience or adaptability.... which reminds me of a saying I heard long ago: 

True friendship is like a teabag in a cuppa CUPPSO. The hotter the water the stronger they get! 

Friday, September 7, 2018

How to Grow 2cm (I Inch) in your 40s (I kid you not!)

Last month I measured myself and was back down to 170cm tall. Although this has been my normal height since my teens, I was still disappointed.

But not surprised.

Four years ago age 40, I managed to grow an extra 2cm in height; this was all down to practicing hot yoga regularly. All that s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g in a hot room did wonders for my spine and posture. 

Since moving house there hasn't been a yoga studio nearby until now. Although i've tried other styles of yoga, Bikram is the one I love the most.

The fact we students come out of class looking like we'd had buckets of water thrown over us is all a part of this amazing practice. 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Shrinking Tv Sets

While most people continue buying ever bigger Tv sets with flatter screens, I am moving in the opposite direction. 

Just this morning, I found the sweetest little Tv / DVD set, not much wider than an A4 sheet of paper, with a screen that's half the size of a standard laptop; it's called a Roadster, and is meant for camper vans and such like.

As our home can best be described as doll-sized, in other words tiny, I was very happy replacing our former, also small Tv set with this, even tinier one. 

Less is definitely more! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Grasshopper Mindset

I like to describe the kind of mind that endlessly hops from one activity to the next (without completing much), the Grasshopper Mindset. 

I am forever cautioning my daughters against this type of thinking. I don't believe the ever-shortening attention span is a harmless thing. 

My personal feeling is that if this type of thinking becomes a life-long habit then it can lead to mental health issues.

Even the most focussed of people will find an area of their lives: relationships, home, personal belongings, outdated beliefs that needs decluttering.

The Grasshopper Mindset balloons from clutter of any kind; unfinished or half-finished business for example.

This year I took my decluttering activities one step further by turning it into a seasonal activity which, started in early spring and was only recently completed. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Pint-sized Human Radios

I love my morning Cuppso's. One or two a day is just perfect, but any more than that and I become jittery and slightly manic. 

The same applies to the two most recent major interrupters in my life; NP's and UI's. Noisy People and Unexpected Interruptions.

Like a good Cuppso, both in moderation are great sources to write about. However too much of either (or God forbid both together) leave me feeling I have attended the Mad Hatter's Tea party far too many times; all that noise, sugar and the unexpected interruptions!

Don't get me wrong - I DO like the company of other people, especially those of the pint-sized human variety. Though, over the recent holidays, I encountered one too many of the pint-sized ghetto-blasting variety. 

I sometimes wish there was a shiny round dial attached to the tops of their heads. For easy location. This would make turning down the volume quick and convenient for all involved!