Friday, September 7, 2018

How to Grow 2cm (I Inch) in your 40s (I kid you not!)

Last month I measured myself and was back down to 170cm tall. Although this has been my normal height since my teens, I was still disappointed.

But not surprised.

Four years ago age 40, I managed to grow an extra 2cm in height; this was all down to practicing hot yoga regularly. All that s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g in a hot room did wonders for my spine and posture. 

Since moving house there hasn't been a yoga studio nearby until now. Although i've tried other styles of yoga, Bikram is the one I love the most.

The fact we students come out of class looking like we'd had buckets of water thrown over us is all a part of this amazing practice. 

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