Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Grasshopper Mindset

I like to describe the kind of mind that endlessly hops from one activity to the next (without completing much), the Grasshopper Mindset. 

I am forever cautioning my daughters against this type of thinking. I don't believe the ever-shortening attention span is a harmless thing. 

My personal feeling is that if this type of thinking becomes a life-long habit then it can lead to mental health issues.

Even the most focussed of people will find an area of their lives: relationships, home, personal belongings, outdated beliefs that needs decluttering.

The Grasshopper Mindset balloons from clutter of any kind; unfinished or half-finished business for example.

This year I took my decluttering activities one step further by turning it into a seasonal activity which, started in early spring and was only recently completed. 

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