Sunday, September 23, 2018

Empty Spaces

It - (did I actually start my sentence with the word 'it'? Yes I did!)... IT, is a well-known fact that nature abhors a vacuum, so what should a person do once the inessentials have been removed? 

Well first off is to pay attention to what one allows back into that cleared space. For some people this will require being hyper-vigilant of what to allow back in. 

For others, this requires trail and error experimentation. For yet others this may mean allowing a greater spirit of creative courage and adventure back into their endeavours. 

My current L.O.VE Focus is on L.O.VE Crafted stories. I have enjoyed my blogging adventures this past month. However, it's now time to knuckle down and continue with my L.O.VE Focused projects.

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