Wednesday, August 31, 2022



Her : Muum! Who put Scoob 'n Shag 

         in the Nutella jaaaaar?

Me:   ðŸ˜¶

Her: And who put the jar by the front door? 


Are you getting rid of my stuff again?

Me:   (Vigorous head shake)

Her:  You CAAAN'T get rid of them! They're mine!

(Pause) Right! I'm taking them back to my room!

Me:   ☝?!?

Her:  But I DO! I still play with them. 

        Ok. I'll go and play with them now. See? 

        There! I still play with them! 

        (Walks off in a huff)

Me:   Sigh!




Well at least that iwhat it felt like all day today!

Sunday, August 28, 2022

A Flame

Toffee for me coffee for you.

Drink toffee and tea read New points of Views

And what this all means on Buttercup Hills?

Is Frills are the things that help us all up

Bring bread buttercups, some plates, 

paper pots

To wander these hills 

Let's get off our thrones

Let's go get recharged from texting 

and phones.

Those bothersome stone throws?

Make sure to bring chargers 

then peel paper grapes for hours and hours

And ponder our certainties.

Swap Crypto Bored Apes

Trendzetters are neggZZt

Debating fake and true newzzZZ 

Some scrunching of sounds - 

'Cos it's time for a snooze.

Turn up loud radios. Let's go sing the blues

Flushing some down. Right down the pan

those Porcelain Pots are play for lots - 

We're clearly all done once our 

thrill hills are frilled, 

Let's head out of doorsand 

run up those hills

Cavalry Calms

For several hours on Saturday morn

Will up ended sticks and clearly was done.

Will would not and wild not and could not reborn.

From too Will to no will they 

Lived here no mourn

The Cavalry Calms  - well they came a Round

At 6 past the 66 minutes of Sound

Dashing out doors from cupboards not floors  

they all came a pouring froth

Teaspoons got mixed

They were on a mission to fix all those wills

So fast now approaching 

the crossings of Palms 

They ground to a halt surveying the lands - 

The kitchen was finished had had quite enough!

Was done and was dusted, as trying for life

No longer a searching, 

no heart now a fluttering.

Then sudden from lounge came

Cavalcade of sounds 

The lounge birds a chirping so cheerful Unbound

Their steady sounds aiming 

straight for her core

Upon reaching their mark 

Her soul came a shore 





Can we have a Frank?

...furter? 😂

No just a Frank

Frank what??

disco !


Yes a Frank disco


Disco Zion of course! 



So well? Do tell. Can we?

'Course my love  

No 'course my Frank

 'Course my Frank

Let's have a Frank. Disco. Zion ok?

Haha! On course my love! 

On course !



Stay! With me. Please? Just for a bit? And stay!

Be Inspiralled with the Fantantic of antics 

and stay be admiralled Knowing full well that 

these here carssettes of apples and of pears,

Into two straightly lines might not neatly all 

But instead fall into layers tall

And just like those waves that we like to put together

These too might undulate along 

with a tune or two from a radio song 

So with memories replete

these so-longs that come 

Pulling us back together 

Into our former 

weather ways

Stay! Knowing that. At least not just yet. These right here Inspiralleds

Can not and would not, had not and could not be straightened away. 

Or at least so it seems - Or at least not just yet don't try to 

un-straighten the dues that befall those 

Inspiralled by you!

Stay! Knowing that MEUS can change points of VEUS

So fine and so dandy am asking please stay!

And during these time warps let's Trope Talk today. 

As we walk along these time lines 


Let's play! 


Thursday, August 25, 2022

That's Good!

M2W So. Do you? / I do!

Would you? / I would

Could you? / I could

Should you? / I should!

W2M So. Do we? / We do!

Would we? / We would

Should we? / We should

Could we? / We could

Well. That's Good!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Fun Fab Four

The Fun fab four! 

Standing at the Mansion Door

The gifted Three plus Fabulous one 

Are out to hit the dance floor

Their tracks and music beats and tricks  

their Trip Hop Reaching feats and seats so - 

Let the trigonometry not stop

Don't let the Trip

                     Bop Hop 


Monday, August 22, 2022

The Sparkly Greens


LOOK at me! The Onion said

I'm garnish to this chewy bread

Sourdough me oh pretty please 

And sprinkle on some salt sea tease!

Salty sea tease? I hear you say

Yes! Upon my allium ways

Align them here 'pon said breads 

Then add dashings of 

sparkly green spreads👌

Trimmer! Trimmer!

Trimmer trimmer on the wall

Who is the fairest of them all?

YOU of course are 

Hairdresser Beanz!

With curlers perched atop 

your Cotyledon lean 

You are the star of 

today's show

So step out old rose

it's your time to glow!

This Book


Sunday, August 21, 2022

Swim! Fly !Trim!

Hodling me back you turn me all black

Telling me sidelined is you being kind

Claim that it's great to hold yet not hodl,

that being this cold it's good not to codl 

And so as you continue hodling me back 

without being brave ever having my back  

Telling me always to stand back admire

Admire the mire now brewing within?

That's really just foolish a pointless unseen

And yet within darkness I notice the light

determined to swim or maybe take flight?

But just then the younger child -

calls out to me. She's waiting. Impatient.

She breaks my reverie:

"Mum please do let's hurry, 

we've got to go now!

It's time to get my hair trimmed

Let's not make 

Hairdresser frown!" 

Purple Boundary

Seek first in your neighbours all that is good

Give back to those neighbours: 

the good with the good!

But beware the stranger danger others. The opportunistycs

They rush in devour - are up to false good.

To those that will claim that ALL are 'ways "Good?"

is beyond a jest. 

Annoying at best.

To those that will claim to mix fake fraudulent false with the good?

my warning to you is the following refrain:

Beware as some try for a slice of your pie

The ones that you baked with your heart, soul and mind

Some will try take unaware unimproved.

Their intentions unreal false. For they're up to no good!

And should you to decide to give one more chance 

And sometimes those chances reach three score and ten?

Then there'll come a day you think: 

"No! Not again!" 

On said same day you may decide to just. Stop.

Stop and stay calm. As calm as a clam. 

As you remain indifferent. Unmoved yet unbland.

Stop and observe! Their intentions exposed

for you will bear witness to their false sense of good.

So what's to be done? 

Step away and just run?

In that lies no fun with plans long begun.

So best step away for brief, 

Cuppso breaks. 

Then set new purple boundary

On these here old mistakes.



Wash it with Soap! Wash it with Soap

If you can find it then:

there is still hope!

Hope is the clue! Hope is the clue.

Hope's what we need

For me and for you!

Haven't a clue

Haven't have you?

Just learn from remoated 

The soap has been coated

'Cos soap is the key

Soap's what is needed 2x 

for you and for me.

When swimming around in 

Greying and blanded

I Look to the Seaking

And find hope 

in keyring


The Outlook last week?

Both Sunny and Bleak

And gazing within 

Solow personally

I took a step back

As you dashed off it seemed

To catch and to seek 

To seek and to find

I chose to unblind 

I choose not to move

I seem to hold back... 

As the the weather turned black

I gazed on then in. 

Deep in in deep

Am seeking your hand

Holding me back

I reach for your mind

Amid what AMAI feeling?

Torrential Isle of ewes 

Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Baalack

This is me. That you see. 

On a Baalacking week 

Here I stand 



Standing baaside

A baalacking tree


    This is Rice

Observing these - 

Our bowls of daily rice,
Each grain popping forth in a swell
of "Oh swell!" augmented,
Threads of thought - 
Both direct and incisive!
Yet still for me
At times tricky
Still for me a'learning. These  
Views of nuanced meanings.
And so I hold each grain
Up to the light
Gleaning for meaning 
yet asking all the while
Are they for the coffees or
just for the tease?

Golden Gams

His golden man gams be Breezin'  fast!

Down da movin' aisle,

'Cos he' is in training 

In luxurious comfortin'

unbleached cotton fan lovin' style.

Dem Toes a painted,

Dem knuckles a grated,

A mated wit mine

Over wine?

Oh Nope!

This time over a bar 

 o' soap

Wanna Bee?

The following is a message to all wanna bees…

The sickly 'Mrs Hags' of society

This warning I bring:

Behave or else!