Sunday, August 28, 2022

A Flame

Toffee for me coffee for you.

Drink toffee and tea read New points of Views

And what this all means on Buttercup Hills?

Is Frills are the things that help us all up

Bring bread buttercups, some plates, 

paper pots

To wander these hills 

Let's get off our thrones

Let's go get recharged from texting 

and phones.

Those bothersome stone throws?

Make sure to bring chargers 

then peel paper grapes for hours and hours

And ponder our certainties.

Swap Crypto Bored Apes

Trendzetters are neggZZt

Debating fake and true newzzZZ 

Some scrunching of sounds - 

'Cos it's time for a snooze.

Turn up loud radios. Let's go sing the blues

Flushing some down. Right down the pan

those Porcelain Pots are play for lots - 

We're clearly all done once our 

thrill hills are frilled, 

Let's head out of doorsand 

run up those hills

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