Sunday, August 28, 2022

Cavalry Calms

For several hours on Saturday morn

Will up ended sticks and clearly was done.

Will would not and wild not and could not reborn.

From too Will to no will they 

Lived here no mourn

The Cavalry Calms  - well they came a Round

At 6 past the 66 minutes of Sound

Dashing out doors from cupboards not floors  

they all came a pouring froth

Teaspoons got mixed

They were on a mission to fix all those wills

So fast now approaching 

the crossings of Palms 

They ground to a halt surveying the lands - 

The kitchen was finished had had quite enough!

Was done and was dusted, as trying for life

No longer a searching, 

no heart now a fluttering.

Then sudden from lounge came

Cavalcade of sounds 

The lounge birds a chirping so cheerful Unbound

Their steady sounds aiming 

straight for her core

Upon reaching their mark 

Her soul came a shore 


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