Sunday, August 21, 2022

Swim! Fly !Trim!

Hodling me back you turn me all black

Telling me sidelined is you being kind

Claim that it's great to hold yet not hodl,

that being this cold it's good not to codl 

And so as you continue hodling me back 

without being brave ever having my back  

Telling me always to stand back admire

Admire the mire now brewing within?

That's really just foolish a pointless unseen

And yet within darkness I notice the light

determined to swim or maybe take flight?

But just then the younger child -

calls out to me. She's waiting. Impatient.

She breaks my reverie:

"Mum please do let's hurry, 

we've got to go now!

It's time to get my hair trimmed

Let's not make 

Hairdresser frown!" 

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