Sunday, March 9, 2025

Meeting with Dawn Buddens, Kent Rd Bridgemary

To Dawn Buddens/ Kez

'Family Services' 

Kent road, Bridgemary

Gosport, Britain


Re: Overview of 4pm Thu 6th March 2025 meeting between biological mother of Aurora Marie and Idony Grace. Both children still in illegal foster care since Nov 29th 2024.

Dear madam,

We had a first meeting last week regarding both girls; Aurora and Idony. This is an overview of the first meeting

1. Your initial questions were bizarre, a waste of time & irrelevant. Not what I/ nor anyone with a healthy normal worldview would expect from a 'social worker' following legal, lawful protocol. 

For 10 minutes you were fixated on a male African passenger I happened to sit next to at London Victoria Coach station back in February 2025. While we were both waiting for the Coach to arrive.


After I had convinced you there was no relationship. You were disappointed. Why?

I had to gently explain that since you; Dawn Buddens 'social worker' at Kent road kept cancelling our meetings, and would not answer my phone calls, I had asked to borrow this gentleman's phone to see if I could reach you, it had worked. 

I spoke to you for about 2 minutes on the gentleman's phone then switched back to my own phone - which was now suddenly as if by magic 'working' again.

You seemed far more interested in the African man and HIS phone, than in telling me about the children.

I understand social services are sometimes keen to portray the biological mother as being in a relationship (even when she isn't). I understand British social services / foster care do this for:

1. Financial reasons

2. Christian fundamentalist reasons regarding who (if anyone) the mother's 'new boyfriend' might be.

There is another appointment in 2 days at Kent Rd on Tuesday 11th March 2025 9am.

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