Sunday, March 9, 2025

Miss Stevie Star Year 10 'wellbeing worker' is a Kidnapper

                                       Sept 11th 2024 

I had no choice but to deregister my 14 year old daughter Aurora 

from her Gosport secondary school.

Instead of that being the end of the matter - a very clingy female member of staff at that school continued to phone / visit our home during her working school day. 

Although she is responsible for 300 year-10 families at Bay House school, Stevie Star clearly neglected her duties at the school, during school hours throughout Oct 2024, Nov 2024, Dec 2024 to keep pestering us.

Stevie Star repeatedly left the Bay House school premises to come knocking on our door. 

She took it upon herself to build a case against my daughter - even after my daughter was de-registered from the school.

For a 30-something woman to become this fixated / obsessed a 14 year old girl / child that no longer attends the school is bizarre.

It is possible Miss Stevie Star's own severe autism / lack of judgement / bad judgement caused her heavy-handed approach. 

Although this woman works full-time at Kings Academy Bay House Gosport, although she is meant to be in charge of the 300 year-10 families at this school, she appears to have ignored them.

What heavy online / off line delusions was/ is Stevie star under?

She clearly didn't find the other 300 year 10 Kings Academy Bay House families that interesting or important. 

Miss Stevie Star went on a messianic mission against my daughter who was already deregistered on Sept 11th 2024.

It is clear that this 30-something year old woman had lost the plot. 

Even after Aurora was deregistered from the school, Miss star continued to:

1. Phone our house every day asking where Aurora was…???? (We deregistered Aurora back in Sept 11 2024). There was some form of mental illness / serious lack of normal judgement on her part.

2. Drive past our home in the middle of her normal working day

3. She started bring her fat curly-haired girl-friend along to knock on our door several times a week.

AFTER Sept 11 2024, Stevie Star has continued to try and build a case online  against my 14 year old daughter. This is gang-stalking / harassment. 

When we finally spoke to her, she asked why my daughter wasn't at school. 

She asked (nicely) for my daughter to return back to their school. When my daughter finally agreed, and showed up on Monday morning - Stevie Star sent my daughter back home!?!

                miss Stevie Star is a home-wrecker.


First of all:

  • Miss Star's 2024 illegal / unlawful assessment of 14 year old Aurora Marie (Cohn) is null and void. You cannot build a 'fraudulent case' against a child that is NOT in your school. 
  • After sept 11th 2024, Aurora Cohn was no longer registered at Kings Academy Bay House.
  • Yet Stevie Star, during her work day at the school continued in long after that date continued to 

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