They are the opposite of Stephen King's the Shining.
In other words 2 polar opposite
types of people.
SHUNNING is deliberate
Grown-ups with British 'empire' mindsets
Have used SHUNNING the most; it is very Childish.
English head-teacher: Mr Chris Willis at King Bayhouse Academy
is an example of this:
He used this method during a year 7 meet and greet open day
Mr Chris Williams did his best to 'dazzle' dressed in his Masonic
black 'top hat' it was embarrassing to watch and witness as he,
Head teacher Chris Willis greeted some & shuned others.
Pompous vain and childish.
On a more serious note:
Once individuals are made aware of
British empire's use of shunning - even with children
Then this nonsense loses power
Time to flip the script on the bullies,
on the Chris Willis' of our World
The Shining are Shunning all these
ugly British 'empire' tactics
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