Friday, March 7, 2025

Bad Judges of Character


'Treat others the way you would wish to be treated' 

This statement is correct and still stands

If Galina Anikeeva has not always been a good judge of character

then neither have Raphael James - nor David Cohn

Their lies back-stabbing, gossiping, theft & cowardice has been embarrassing to witness

over the past

And is very unmanly

Sewage Jo and Dave

 Head teacher Mr Chris Willis of Kings Academy Bay House, Elaine (nee Lambert) Cohn, Social worker Dawn Buddens Kent rd, Miss Stevie Star yr 10 'Wellbeing' worker.

They too have proven to be indifferent, short-sighted, horribly bad judges of character as well.

They are not fit for the jobs they do when working with children.


Treat others the way you would wish to be treated

DWP / Universal Credit/ Home address ERROR for Luke William Murphy

To DWP (Department of Work & Pension)
PO Box 585, 


RE: Universal Credit Payments to Luke William Murphy (dob 27/8/1982)

Dear DWP Sir / Madam,

Kindly correct the following on your database: 

Luke Murphy / Luke William Murphy:

Luke does not live at  St Matthews Court, PO121AN UK.

Luke has not lived at  St Matthews Court for over 6 months.

Luke has not paid £695 rent to 28 St Matthews Court for over 6 months.

Kindly forward your mail to:

Luke William Murphy's family at: 
At the Officers Quarters, 
35 Weevil Lane Gosport, 
PO12 1AG 

Luke's family and or solicitors can best inform you of his current home address.

Churchers Solicitors Gosport High Street Hampshire Tel 44 02393 61 3400. /Churchers Solicitors, Bolitho Way Portsmouth, UK

P.s. I have posted your letter back to you via  special delivery.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Last week Trump reminded Zelensky 

That having 4% approval from Ukrainians

In effect makes him a dictator.

I would go further:

Zelensky has no-support

Zelensky stopped being President

In May 2024

That is nearly one year ago

Ukrainian Law / Ukrainian Constitution 

Forbids Zelensky being reelected after 

that date.

This makes the '100 year Agreement' 

Keir Starmer/ Britain signed with Zelensky 

in Jan 2025

Null and Void

President Trump is of course right in his endeavors to 

bring Peace to Ukraine 'as soon as possible.'

Monday, March 3, 2025


They are the opposite of Stephen King's the Shining.

In other words 2 polar opposite 

types of people.

SHUNNING is deliberate

Grown-ups with British 'empire' mindsets

Have used SHUNNING the most; it is very Childish.

English head-teacher: Mr Chris Willis at King Bayhouse Academy

is an example of this:

He used this method during a year 7 meet and greet open day 

Mr Chris Williams did his best to 'dazzle' dressed in his Masonic 

black 'top hat' it was embarrassing to watch and witness as he,

Head teacher Chris Willis greeted some & shuned others.

Pompous vain and childish.

On a more serious note:

Once individuals are made aware of 

British empire's use of shunning - even with children

Then this nonsense loses power

Time to flip the script on the bullies, 

on the Chris Willis' of our World 

The Shining are Shunning all these 

ugly British 'empire' tactics

Mandy Ratcliff/ Fareham Civic Office

To Mandy Ratcliff at

National Probation Service

Divisional Enforcement Hub,

3rd Floor Fareham Civic Offices,

Civic Way, Fareham,

Hampshire, Britain, UK

PO16 7AZ

Ref M592899 TT

Re: Correct home address for Luke William Murphy on your database

Dear  Mandy Ratcliff for the past 6 months, 

Letters from British National Probation Service for Luke William Murphy have  been repeatedly sent to the WRONG home address.

I have sent your letters for Luke: Return to Sender, Signed for & Special delivery. I have the receipts

I have also handed them to Luke's Solicitor: Churchers Bolitho Way, Gosport High Street- 

I have handed your letter to Portsmouth Criminal Court as well.

British / Belfast / EU databases regarding Luke William Murphy dob 27 Aug 1982 home address are also incorrect and must therefore be corrected

I assume your department are keen for Luke to receive your letters.

Luke is obviously unable to attend court if you persist in posting his letters to the wrong address. 

Mandy Ratcliffe - Kindly correct this error in your national and Belfast Ireland database.  

Kindly correct this on all other databases: Belfast Ireland / EU / UK

To reiterate

Luke does not live at  St Matthews Court, PO121AN

Luke has not lived at St Matthews Court for over 6 months.

Going forward: kindly correspond with Luke's solicitors on this matter. 

At their Gosport / Portsmouth addresses

Churchers Solicitors Ltd 

Bolitho Way,

Gosport High Street, 

Gosport, UK

Tel 02392603400

Saturday, March 1, 2025

600 Pensioners

A small corrupt group of women are in charge of

the town of 

Gosport Britain UK

Over a recent 10 year span:

600 mainly English Gosport Pensioners

vanished /died under sudden 

unexpected circumstances

Almost every family in Gosport was affected

Some families far more than others

This is not about Euthanasia

This is about elderly people /pensioners 

in the worst cases being dragged out of their homes

in broad daylight.

The most recent /extreme incident occurred 

Tue 10 Dec 2024  around 3pm

A BOGUS Section 135(1) Court Order

from a NON-EXISTENT Magistrate Court Dept 

in Taunton UK Britain was issued for

A 75 year old woman Galina Anikeeva. She disappeared from 

Flat 43 St Matthews Court, PO121AW

and hasn't been seen since.

Some people suggest neighbors upstairs Flat 44 

contributed to her Christmas 2024 death.

 The earlier 600 Pensioners died 

Under the 'care' of ONE local female doctor

A woman that lived across the road from

 Gosport War Memorial Hospital

This small group of corrupt women 

Have therefore turned a blind-eye to the

Mass Murder

Of its OWN people

In 2025

 Gosport War 'Memorial'  needs to refer to the:

 FAR in excess of

600 local Pensioners that have been

Mass murdered 

within Gosport's 

BOGUS 'Hospital Care'

To what extent were these women 

responsible for the disappearance of 

Galina Antonovna Anikeeva 

on the afternoon of 

Dec 10 2024

When s


Systematic: Done / acting according

 to a Fixed Plan or System. 

Methodical and Deliberate 

The level of abuse within the current education system is truly horrific.

And most of it is perpetrated by women.

The same system that was used to systematically target certain children must now be used to correct and heal them individual situations. Such children need protection and healing.


Such children need the full protection and support of their real families. Such children need access to wise, compassionate caring grown ups.

Start with those individuals that have suffered the longest first 

The Children


Spiritaully-bankrupt individuals must be blocked, shunned and prevented from having access to such children and teens. 

Every grown up decision-maker that has acted from a place of pettiness, jealousy, envy and malice and destructive obsession and or financial greed needs to be removed from such children's lives. Both online and offine

These spiritually-bankrupt individuals, often women directly and indirectly involved in the education system must have all access denied.

Friday, February 28, 2025

DWP FRAUD in 2025

What if there aren't 800 bureaucrats working in Whitehall Central London?

How many of the 800 permanent bureaucrats aren't real?

How many of these bureaucrats don't exist?

What percentage of financial corruption exists?

Who authorized/ authorised unlawful, illegal, fraudulent pension payments? (read below) 


(British Dept of Work & Pension) 

 fmr landlady Christine Kennard (UK Grey VW van RK16 JSV)

is receiving now Galina Anikeeva's Pension from the DWP

British DWP claim Galina lives at: Flat 26 PO121AN

She doesn't

There are no curtains

Everyone can see flat 26 has been empty for over 6 months

Linked-In connected Welsh solicitor/ free Mason 

Tom Mitchell did the fraudulent paper work for Mrs Kennard

He falsified court documents with FAKE signature/ initials.

Tom Mitchell lied under oath in court

Via a bogus court case 

that took place last year: June 26 2024

Galina Antonovna Anikeeva aged 75

was not present at this UK Britian Portsmouth based court hearing

Galina neither signed/ nor initialld Tom Mitchells's court documents 

Tom Mitchell acting on behalf of Chirstine Kennard

filled in the Court documents

 pretending to be Galina.

Based on this court hearing:

British DWP (dept of work & pensions) made the decision to pay

Galina's pension payments of £183-222 a week to former landlady Christine & Vincent Kennard.

Based on the lies under oath and 10 counts of falsified documents

All payments to the Kennards must be stopped and refunded.

with immediate effect.

Below is my former post from last week:


800 permanent bureaucrats supposedly rule 

a great deal of the UK, EU, USA. AFRICA

In short many parts of the World.

Headed by Tony Blair / Sophie Blair & others like them

These 800 mainly baby-boomer bureaucrats 

believe they own people Worldwide. 

They Don't

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Yesterday morning an almost empty car park. 


decides to park his van on my spot.

He enters Flat 33

When he comes out I politely ask him 

to move his vehicle to his client's empty parking spot.

"You whot?" 

He barks in utter disbelief 

'Client? It's 'Patient''

'Your Client'

'Kindly move your vehicle to Your Client's

 Flat 33's parking spot.'

OPPORTUNIST doesn't like having it

pointed out: his attempts to trespass. He

Parked his vehicle, on my spot,

to hide his real motives for being there

He runs back indoors 

Into Flat 33 agitated


Kindly explain why you don't like 

being called out for what you truly are

and who you really are.

Boris Johnson is 'For Sale'

April 2022

 A PEACE agreement was about to be signed between 


1 Hour before the Peace DEAL:


BUREAUCRAT rushed in

And put a stop to this

Why Boris Johnson? Why?

Apparently Boris Johnson will only go on 

Tucker Carlson's Podcast if he is paid 

one million pounds sterling.

Boris Johnson is for sale so what does that make him?

The woman behind him? Is his wife.

Carrie Johnson a USAID / WEF puppet

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


"What is your price?

Because if your price is not your life. 

Then YOU are for sale."

James O' Keef

What are they HIDING?


Before Kent Rd 'family services' Britain UK, 
 blocked phone calls / emails between me and my younger daughter this is what she was able to tell me. 

Read below

British 'empire' 2025: 
This is not freedom of speech
Between mother & daughter


 Britain's Brain-Drain

& Wealth-Drain Is Real

In 2024, 11 000 Millionaires emigrated from the UK

Other Europeans including Poles & Ukrainians

have also fled /escaped the UK

 I don't blame them

Britain does not respect or value

Enterprising individuals/ their families or their children

Britain tries to micro-manage, control and

Steal from them: 

Financially emotionally spiritually: 

Salaries over the past 20 years have not changed

To keep me 'happy' I was rewarded with 

Insincere flattery & worse.

When I reached out to partner with 

former so called 'friends', ex- family members, local people, 

neighbors, businesses:

 I encountered cold baffling silences

No one would talk to me in person

Or explain what was really going on


Behind the scenes those same long-distance families & individuals had developed 

An unhealthy obsession watching & following everything


 I did inside my home & outside.

Some of the interest was mild & benign. 

Some was OPPORTUNISTIC and motivated by greed or 

Down right jealous and malevolent.

End of 2024 I had had enough it was time to leave.

That is when things got REALLY really ugly

Clingy Britain didn't want to let us go

Right now

Both teenage daughters are in a BOGUS foster care situation

Being kept in a shambolic 

Illegal unlawful manner

Bizarely their biological father & biological 

paternal grandparents seem strangely ok with this


My 75 year old mother went missing on Dec 10 2024

Her former landlady Christine Kennard

 solicitor Tom Mitchell lied under oath in court 

and are fraudulently trying to collect my mother's 

pension from the British DWP

Department of work & pensions.

The June 26 2024 court documents 

highlight 10 counts of blatant lies by Tom Mitchell

I am 1000% convinced:

 Business theft , attempted Property theft, IP-theft, Identity-theft

Pension fraud, Health & Insurance fraud 

Not to mention: 

ENVY, jealousy, greed, malice

petty-mindedness and stupidity

Lie at the bottom of this entire INSANE situation

This town is 95% white /caucasian/ English

On the outside; these people 

Pretend to be kind sane normal 

The biggest mistake anyone can make 

is to treat these people as if they are

 kind, sane or normal

They aren't. So don't

Sunday, February 23, 2025



 Back in 1999

Gordon Brown,

Tony Blair'e right-hand man 

sold almost all British Physical Gold reserves 

In other words someone somewhere 

is lying about the true quantity of 

Gold reserves left in Britain today.

An audit is therefore needed.




UP until 2025,  800 permanent bureaucrats ruled 

a great deal of the UK, EU, USA. AFRICA

In short many parts of the World.

Who Heads this group?  Tony Blair and Sophie Blair

Yes. THE Tony Blair of the Iran/ Iraq War 1990-2010

These 800 mainly baby-boomer bureaucrats 

believe they own people Worldwide. 

Up until 2025 they were correct. 

They owned the NPC, blue-pilled individuals.

They owned flying-monkeys , thieves, greedy copy-cats, mindless mimics.

They owned the jealous and the green with envy envious.

They own the lazy easy to manipulate and 

Easy to control people.

Unfortunately, these bureaucrats target innocent, 

unaware people and families: including children. 

Gaslighting and playing cruel mind-games online 

and in the real-world. 

This goes as far back as 1914,  World War 1 

When British 'empire' targeted 

Their own soldiers.

In 2025 there are roughly 100 000 targeted 

Individuals in the UK alone. 

No one is exempt

from their gaslighting and manipulation.

Not even Presidents and billionaires.

However we are in a new era that is disconnected

From the BBC, UN, USAID, status-quo, 

Comfort-zone clingy apologists. 

Starting with the entire Blair family;

They must be permanently monitored off- and online.

Disconnected and removed from their posts.

All stolen wealth must be returned to the people.

As a family, they must learn to live on Universal 

Basic Income alone.

First check that all 800 so called 'permanent' 

Whitehall bureaucrats are actual living human beings.

They and their closest allies and contacts 

must be monitored online and offline. 

All their activities, whatever they falsely claim 

is their 'property' including: other human beings,

businesses, assets, precious metals, Bitcoin. 

Everything must be questioned audited and accounted for.

Their bank accounts frozen and 90% of their assets returned 

to the public and back to the World.

This bloated Whitehall Swamp of 800 individuals is to be drained

to 14 individuals. 

Comprising of former outliers and outsiders.

Spiritually-bankrupt individuals

their families and allies need not apply.

Saturday, February 22, 2025


Since Circa 2008 

BBC / WEF TV was offered to -

and is currently in almost all  

mainstream education in Britain

In 2025 the use of BBC news / WEF / USAID 

propaganda in mainstream 

UK EU USA schools is dying; 

and will soon be dead and obsolete. 


BBC Newsnight Friday 21 Feb 2025

Astonishing  5 min interview with 

Sir Alex Younger retired head of MI6

Sir Alex, a British 'empire' status quo apologist, is ashamed to call 

himself English, British from the UK. 

Sir Alex describes himself as a USAID WEF EU puppet. 

In his sly, soft-spoken mildly deranged voice, deluded British empire Sir Alex is anxiously threatening a 'new era' for internal relations.

Sir Alex Younger was insane enough to threaten Presidents: Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump for moving away from the British 'empire' status quo mindset.

Notoriously 'thin-skinned', fragile Sir Alex is a decade out of touch with the current changing World Order.

Sir Alex believes himself the self-appointed 'custodian' of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. In other words:

Sir Alex Younger think he owns

 Donald Trump & Vladimir Putin. That he is their former 'boss' 

These deluded

British 'empire' threats & strategies will backfire badly on everyone involved.

During the BBC interview, Sir Alex suggested President Trump was on a path to '…abject humiliation' - again complete and utter nonsense. Sir Alex Younger and whoever is currently in his former MI6 job are horribly mistaken- And this is just the beginning.

In 2025 onwards, the  BBC, British-empire, EU, WEF USAID status quo apologist agenda is dead. 

In 2025, all organizations, groups, entities, individuals connected to British empire 'mind-set' especially those mistakenly believing they still hold power, including their closest stooges will need to have their heads thoroughly examined.  All their online / offline activities need to be closely monitored, stopped and/ or blocked for a period of 90 days, while investigations into all their affairs and activities are reviewed and closely examined.

In 2025, all officers in the British police will need to be divided into two groups in order to ascertain their true allegiances. Greedy, corrupt, gullible, flying-monkey officersneed to be reviewed, weeded-out isolated.  They will be Identified on the database, many will be imprisoned and or have the same methods they have used on others; used on them and their closest allies and stooges.

Perhaps Elon Musk's Boring Company can use his chip/ chimp implants on the Tony Blairs and the Sir Alex Youngers of this World.

They need to have their heads thoroughly examined. Perhaps Elon Musk can use them in his chip-implant projects.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


AMERICA  has started draining the swamps

of corruption within US bureaucracy.

Clingy BRITISH press (nobody reads them) is in denial. 

Parasitic mainstream media is having a 


UK British Bureaucracy is a parasitic swamp

that needs draining.

PENSION FRAUD by Landlady Christine Rose Kennard / Tom Mitchell scam Solicitor

To  Christine Rose Kennard (current address)

Vincent Kennard Grey UK VW Mini Van: RK16 JSV 

9 Woodborough Close, Bracklesham Bay,

Chichester, West Sussex, Britain, UK

PO20 8UA

Feb 20 2025

To Christine Rose Kennard (old address)

212 Mulgrave Road, Cheap, 

Sutton, Surrey SM2 6JT

Re: 10 counts of FRAUD regarding Court documents against Galina Antonovna Anikeeva from 26 June 2024 

TO  Christine Rose Kennard & Tom Mitchel,


June 26 2024 last year, there was a court proceeding against Galina Antonovna at Portsmouth Magistrates Court, Britain UK. Galina was not present at the proceedings.

2. Mrs Kennard used a law firm based in WALES, Britain, UK:

DAS Law Limited,

DAS Parc, Greenway Court, 

Bedwas, Caerphilly,

CF83 8DW

Claim Number L2PP1001

Mr Tom Mitchell is on social Media: 

Linked In / Twitter

What will Tom Mitchell's online connections/ family, children think knowing that Tom lies under OATH at Portsmouth Magistrates Court? 

That Tom Mitchell steals pensioners' money and gives it to landlady Christine Rose Kennard? 

1. Mr Tom Mitchell signed a statement of truth on the bundle of court papers. Yet there are countless LIES / FINANCIAL / Pension FRAUD in the legal documents he drew up.

3. Mr Tom Mitchell filled in a fake signature for GALINA on the court papers documents.

4. 12 times Mr Tom Mitchell fraudulently initialled each page of the court bundle with Galina's initials, without her consent.

5. Tom Mitchell and the Kennards claim Galina has a Netherlands Aruba (Caribbean Island) passport. 


Galina Anikeeva has an EU  Dutch passport.

These people have used her correct social security / National Insurance number. The phone number Tom Mitchell provided was stolen from Galina's daughter on Dec 10th 2024 from Hilsea Police station.

Hilsea Police appear to be using this stolen phone number  to make this LIFE INSURANCE/ pension claim in a British Court.

For 18 months Galina was unable to get a pension, now, all of a sudden the British DWP, Dept of Work and Pension, are willing to backdate pension payments directly to Christine Kennard. 

DWP Britain is about to pay £220 a week going all the way back to last June 2024. That adds up to roughly £10 000 in these SCAMMERS pockets.

Landlady/ scammer, Mrs Christine Rose Kennard is right now 

attempting to COMMIT financial fraud of Pensioner 

Galina Anikeeva money.

Christine Rose Kennard is ALSO on social media. 

She has a long history of stalking other women online.

What will everyone that has ever known her now think?

She is on Facebook / Instagram/ and a few other lesser know sites she uses for her hobby projects. 

What will all her contacts think of her?

How many other Pensioners have these 3 Online stalkers / liars / thieves:

Christine Rose Kennard, Vincent Kennard, BOGUS WELSH solicitor Tom 

Mitchell done this to?

How many other pensioners in Britian have Vincent Kennard and his wife stolen money from?

Who in the British DWP bureaucracy gave permission for this?

Why did solicitor, Tom Mitchell FRAUDULENTLY claim Galina's Nationality as Netherlands Aruba? 

Why is Tom Mitchell's office based in Wales UK?

British Department of Work & Pension apparently believe Galina is still living at Flat 26 St Matthews Court. PO12 1AN. She is not. 

Everyone can see that Flat 26 is empty. There are no curtains and the flat is totally empty.

Yet British DWP / Dept of Work and Pension are about to pay the former landlady, a year's worth of pension money.

So where is: 

Galina Anikeeva?