Monday, July 18, 2022


Baker man Baker man

Baking true cakes

Baking the cakes  

As fast as you can

Pat them and splice them -

Re-spicing for free.

Puts them in the oven

Recreates reality 

With permission from Aurora Marie. Creator of this artwork

It is forbidden to copy/ reproduce this image 

anywhere online or offline without express permission from


Cuppso's First bor

After Breakfast:

So darling so what are you planning to learn today?

Cuppso First born child: mumble grumble, mumble grumble...

Well then, no games or devices till I know what you have planned.

Cuppso Firstborn Child: Cycling. Coding and literature

Which literature is that my darling?

Cuppso First born Child: Pushkin or Chekhov

Super! Well I guess it's time to get started

This blog entry is for Aurora Marie 
 A beautiful talented CUPPSO child.
You can view her art work in the poem 'Baker Man'


For breakfast we agreed

to have cold coffee 


And hot cups 

of oranges 

Sunday, July 17, 2022


Let's all have a good coming week

Shall we ? 

Together we're all

so much

Sunny day stronger!

Let mouldy old roses and suburban thieves

Be crushed with their lazy greed, envy

for all eternity.

Let both CUPPSO daughters return 

to CUPPSO where they are truly loved and belong,

NPC strangers weakened. Their status quo dead and gone!

With Permission from CUPPSO

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Love Art First Sight

When I first saw you 

all those years ago I,

Knew it was to be Love Art 

First sight!

Your 18 mile stretches 

of Sandand 

rocky beaches.

Your Beautifully art worked 

60s High rise buildings,

Right on the pebbly sea front,

Your gorgeous green white ferries,

Passing like gigantic friendly 

ducklings from 

7 Suns up to 7 Suns down,

Weeks in and weeks out.

Situated along some of the 

Warmest sunniest,


parts of this Island

Peachy Beachy holidays always on our doorsteps

Our very own Californian 

style slices of 

Apples and Pies:

Here right here and

Now right now! 

Right here 

right now

On our doorstep

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


Mum. I really don't want you 

to come to my school play.

Me 😐

Really. I don't. 

Why do you want to come anyway?

Me 😃

No you don't. If you loved me you'd let me 

get a pet tortoise AND you make me share a

room with my sister! You're horrible 

Me  👍

If you agree with me, then 

why come see my play?

Me 👍😉

That doesn't make sense. 

Anyway I don't want you there. 

You are too loud and if I see you I'll 

forget my lines!

Me 😎?

(Pause) Ok. But only if you promise to sit

at the back and dress in black. So that 

nobody sees you.

Me 😎😎

...And say nothing

Me  👊😎 👊!!

See? Now THAT is why you can't come 

to see my school play. Ever!

You are so embarrassing!!!

Me ✌😤 ✌

Door Slam!


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Self Schooling

Yesterday was Day 1 

of my 12 year old self-schooling (Lol!)

We cycled around town for about an hour 

Collected miniature wild growing plums 

and then back home 

where she assembled

a Raspberry Pi 

Without instructions - (she'd misplaced it)

Then later on learning to code in Python,

and finally a drawing of her sister. Not 


will be this productive,

But it's a good start 💕

Monday, July 11, 2022

Chatter Socks

The former quiet one is 

now a non-stop chatter blox 

and the former chatter socks? 

Is now the quiet one.

How did that happen? 😃

Ages 12 /11 & 3/2

Morning CUPPSO (Lyrics)

Morning CUPPSO gets me up each day!

Otherwise in bed is where I'd staaaay

I know you'll like it!

Come on and Delight in it now!

Morning CUPPSO 


In my Life! 

Morning CUPPSO 


In my Life! 


Sunday, July 10, 2022




Blood curdling Scream

Me !?!

Mum!!! There's a MAGGOT near my bowl of cereal! Help meee!!!  

Me  ?!?

It's flying near my cornflakes! Help me get it awaaay!

Me  Gentle pause

But they dooo mum! This one is flyyying!!!

Me  😑

Please come and heeeelp!!! 


Oh! It's gone. 

To your room

Me  😶

Happy Fly. Enters  💤 Tra! La! La! 💤

Me  😠

It      💤💤 ? ...pause 😠

It + Me = 💢💥💢 

Me     😤

Saturday, July 9, 2022


What a week it's been - 

this glorious heatwave we're having and

so much else happening in between. 

Also the following:

If a person no longer wants to stay 

In a particular place, situation

Better to let them go!

They may or may not come back.

Am speaking in general and not to 

anything specific

This week has shown just how much 

can change in a short space of time.

One thing that hasn't changed:

The original concept for Cuppso.

Also those I loved and respected before?

I continue to love and respect now.

Perhaps even more so 😉

Ok! ok! fine. 

I'll tone things down a tad! Ok?

But otherwise. 

Those things that fundamentally matter?

Those haven't changed.

Look forward to meeting quite a few 

of you in the coming weeks/ months 

So we can explore complementary

work-related projects

Japanese Person

Just like the Japanese Person

Wanting the curliest of

Curls they can never naturally have

I too am wanting 

ALL sorts more

from my nature-given mop  

Things I too can never 

naturally have.

So when Nature defeats me, 

I become Creatively Clad,

And know what fellow friendly Beanz? 

For that I am truly glad!

S'over the years I have braided, 

shorn woven on. Colour-clipped, 

dipped, relaxed said mop. 

And for that. 

I repeat.

I remain flocking well glad!


I Just really really like being 

Creatively Clad

So for those on similar seeking paths?

Count your blessings my gorgeous lovelies

'Cos one day someday

You may be glad 

you had!


Ages 5 (Goody 2 shoes) 

3 (sulky pops) 

18 months


Friday, July 8, 2022

Stay or Go?

Schools may work for some

- but not all children. Below

is my 12 year old's

most recent art work...

Just attended a friendly 

meeting at her current school 

and need to decide

if this is really the best place 

for her be at present.

As many may appreciate 

from personal/ family history,

Such situations don't arise overnight.

And may have existed.

A long time. 

Years even.

This is not about blame or

rehashing the past 

(unless she wants to)

Rather about healing and 

Giving my Gen Z child

  💕a fresh start 💕

       'Nuff said

Wednesday, July 6, 2022


Whenever possible. 

               Gently Irreverent 😉

        Wherever possible. 

Gently Irreverent 😀

Treat others how 

we would wish to be treated

So. Let's talk.

Joint creative partnerships

Our top preference is via the 

phone. Better yet in person.

Preferably over fruity fizzy CUPPSO 

and a water-cracker lunch 👍

Direct Email is good. too.

Anyone but You


You come to realise:

those you most admire, most respect,

would rather speak to Anyone. But you.

Those weeds growing between the cracks in the pavement?

They'd rather speak to those. Than to you.

The mid-summer bluebottle flies 

entering the kitchen?

Hatching their eggs on your food?

Even those too

And why is this so?

Heaven only knows 

Human Beans are Human Beans

no matter wherever whatever. So - 

When those we admire deign to speak to anyone,

anywhere, anytime - 

But you

The the day comes

When the penny finally drops

And the innocence from before is lost

from this anyone but you attitude.

Life is too short for this baffling game,

At least. Not where real connections matter, 

and where there could 

have been so much gained. 

In business too? 

Hell yeah sure of course!

I never pretended otherwise did I? 

This path lies in my blood

so why in Heavens not?

But I digress as I reassess

...oh yes!

Much to be gained,

Including joy and laughter. And of spirit too

In all that contains truth & personal meaning

Life is too short for convoluted games

amongst those we truly love, value 

and hold dear. So now. 

I am left knowing the following:

The innocence has been lost  

And it is time to adjust


Dear Friend,

Such joy to be back in touch with you!

for a while I thought we had gone down

Very different lanes. Never to meet again.

So many times I have wanted to give you

a hug and a heart felt thank-you! 

for all that I learned - your wisdom and

words of patience keeping me buoyant and

Carrying me through. 

Know that your teachings have percolated

right through and through,

and today. Just for you dear friend,

I went out and bought a pack of water-crackers

Ok! ok! rice cakes actually 😀

But it's the thought that counts (isn't it?) 

and this:

Should you ever be in the locality,

Please pop by dear teacher friend 

You see, I hope it's ok to call you this for

my home will always be open and welcoming

We can share a bottle of fizzy POPS!

and a water-cracker lunch,

And we can go for long walky talks, 

and paint my nails a riot of colours 

(and yours too? Haha!) 

and talk a bunch 

So just maybe

someday we really will meet up

have a giggle and catch up

Monday, July 4, 2022


Dear Mr Robin,

It has been several years, yet you still try

To enter my home

uninvited. With excuses about wanting to fix

this and that. My answer remains the same

No need to.

There is nothing to fix in my home.

At least not while we live here.

There's plenty of bird seed for you


So please remain there.

And bother us no more


Love Languages

Cordelia here,


Just hanging out with Human Bean

on this gorgeous sunshiny day!

Took the online Love language test

Of which there are 5 types;

my top 2 results are below 👇

you Honey bunch? Xxx

Sunday, July 3, 2022



As the Sun sets on this Summer's week,

Hopefully we move closer to finding

Those things that we seek,

Things that give meaning,

that help us to grow - 

that bring us safety

Yet help us to glow!

Friday, July 1, 2022

Glamping to Bed

Cordelia Gray here. Good evening!

Vital Startistics 22-22-22

Noticed have you? Yes indeed 

have I got news for you-

We are starting to GROW!

But before that a little fireside chat,

About how I hung out the other evening,

with my Human Bean Creator Pal.

After sipping several caffeinated 

CUPPSOs, we decided to 

set her hair awash with splashes of:

pinks, greens and even a dash of black!

We pulled out her magical box of beauty delights,

to cut, colour, curl and trim  

Included in this box we discovered

an unopened pack of 

'Magnetised' curlers:

What exactly they magnetise

I haven't a clue! But we used them too

Hopefully a cute guy (or maybe two)

'Cos for me that would most certainly do

Anyway - we set to work

and several hours later voila! 

We'd achieved our Glamping-to-bed

Bedtime results.

Joan Collins aka Dynasty / Dallas 

Eat your heart out 😄

Don't you think? 

Hmm? Well?

Night night Everyone