Friday, July 1, 2022

Glamping to Bed

Cordelia Gray here. Good evening!

Vital Startistics 22-22-22

Noticed have you? Yes indeed 

have I got news for you-

We are starting to GROW!

But before that a little fireside chat,

About how I hung out the other evening,

with my Human Bean Creator Pal.

After sipping several caffeinated 

CUPPSOs, we decided to 

set her hair awash with splashes of:

pinks, greens and even a dash of black!

We pulled out her magical box of beauty delights,

to cut, colour, curl and trim  

Included in this box we discovered

an unopened pack of 

'Magnetised' curlers:

What exactly they magnetise

I haven't a clue! But we used them too

Hopefully a cute guy (or maybe two)

'Cos for me that would most certainly do

Anyway - we set to work

and several hours later voila! 

We'd achieved our Glamping-to-bed

Bedtime results.

Joan Collins aka Dynasty / Dallas 

Eat your heart out 😄

Don't you think? 

Hmm? Well?

Night night Everyone

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