Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Anyone but You


You come to realise:

those you most admire, most respect,

would rather speak to Anyone. But you.

Those weeds growing between the cracks in the pavement?

They'd rather speak to those. Than to you.

The mid-summer bluebottle flies 

entering the kitchen?

Hatching their eggs on your food?

Even those too

And why is this so?

Heaven only knows 

Human Beans are Human Beans

no matter wherever whatever. So - 

When those we admire deign to speak to anyone,

anywhere, anytime - 

But you

The the day comes

When the penny finally drops

And the innocence from before is lost

from this anyone but you attitude.

Life is too short for this baffling game,

At least. Not where real connections matter, 

and where there could 

have been so much gained. 

In business too? 

Hell yeah sure of course!

I never pretended otherwise did I? 

This path lies in my blood

so why in Heavens not?

But I digress as I reassess

...oh yes!

Much to be gained,

Including joy and laughter. And of spirit too

In all that contains truth & personal meaning

Life is too short for convoluted games

amongst those we truly love, value 

and hold dear. So now. 

I am left knowing the following:

The innocence has been lost  

And it is time to adjust

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