Saturday, July 9, 2022

Japanese Person

Just like the Japanese Person

Wanting the curliest of

Curls they can never naturally have

I too am wanting 

ALL sorts more

from my nature-given mop  

Things I too can never 

naturally have.

So when Nature defeats me, 

I become Creatively Clad,

And know what fellow friendly Beanz? 

For that I am truly glad!

S'over the years I have braided, 

shorn woven on. Colour-clipped, 

dipped, relaxed said mop. 

And for that. 

I repeat.

I remain flocking well glad!


I Just really really like being 

Creatively Clad

So for those on similar seeking paths?

Count your blessings my gorgeous lovelies

'Cos one day someday

You may be glad 

you had!


Ages 5 (Goody 2 shoes) 

3 (sulky pops) 

18 months


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