Saturday, July 16, 2022

Love Art First Sight

When I first saw you 

all those years ago I,

Knew it was to be Love Art 

First sight!

Your 18 mile stretches 

of Sandand 

rocky beaches.

Your Beautifully art worked 

60s High rise buildings,

Right on the pebbly sea front,

Your gorgeous green white ferries,

Passing like gigantic friendly 

ducklings from 

7 Suns up to 7 Suns down,

Weeks in and weeks out.

Situated along some of the 

Warmest sunniest,


parts of this Island

Peachy Beachy holidays always on our doorsteps

Our very own Californian 

style slices of 

Apples and Pies:

Here right here and

Now right now! 

Right here 

right now

On our doorstep

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