Saturday, July 9, 2022


What a week it's been - 

this glorious heatwave we're having and

so much else happening in between. 

Also the following:

If a person no longer wants to stay 

In a particular place, situation

Better to let them go!

They may or may not come back.

Am speaking in general and not to 

anything specific

This week has shown just how much 

can change in a short space of time.

One thing that hasn't changed:

The original concept for Cuppso.

Also those I loved and respected before?

I continue to love and respect now.

Perhaps even more so 😉

Ok! ok! fine. 

I'll tone things down a tad! Ok?

But otherwise. 

Those things that fundamentally matter?

Those haven't changed.

Look forward to meeting quite a few 

of you in the coming weeks/ months 

So we can explore complementary

work-related projects

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