Wednesday, July 13, 2022


Mum. I really don't want you 

to come to my school play.

Me 😐

Really. I don't. 

Why do you want to come anyway?

Me 😃

No you don't. If you loved me you'd let me 

get a pet tortoise AND you make me share a

room with my sister! You're horrible 

Me  👍

If you agree with me, then 

why come see my play?

Me 👍😉

That doesn't make sense. 

Anyway I don't want you there. 

You are too loud and if I see you I'll 

forget my lines!

Me 😎?

(Pause) Ok. But only if you promise to sit

at the back and dress in black. So that 

nobody sees you.

Me 😎😎

...And say nothing

Me  👊😎 👊!!

See? Now THAT is why you can't come 

to see my school play. Ever!

You are so embarrassing!!!

Me ✌😤 ✌

Door Slam!

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