Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Dancing Buns

A Hip Hap Hoppy Boyszday!

Filled with A Bun Dances

Cordially Yours


Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Meaning of Life

 Hey Karl you know you once said:

"The greatest burden a child must bear 

is the un-lived life of its parents? How do 

we solve this?"

"The answer lies within my statement Vic; 

Go out there and live! - and tell your 

your friends to do the same."

Ok thanks Karl - am doing my best and 

sure I'll let them know.

High on Orange Juice

When I was 14 -15 I used to go to the local village disco with some pals. One time my friend asked me: 

"You know you only ever order plain orange juice yet 

you seem to get more of a high from it than the 

rest of us on alcohol. How's that?"

I had no explanation, hadn't even been aware of this till she pointed it out.

Is anyone else out there like this?

Seeking Investors (Updated)

CUPPSO aims to 

educate and entertain 

Currently seeking partnerships, 

Collabs & Investors to share and assist 

in making this happen. Seeking funding to complete 

specific tasks within certain time frames.

In the Web1,2, Bitcoin space

for creative partnerships

Let's meet up for a CUPPSONATED coffee. 

and see if we can work together.

Must welcome:

1 Grown-up 

2 Tweens 

4 Puppets

The Snore

Sometimes, looking at this 

almost empty vessel 

All I can see are two marbles

Rolling slowly within,

And suddenly I am back

in the 60s 

when this particular Boomer 

Consumer must have been a teen

And all I can think now - 

As my eyes Glaze over..

All I can think is:

U Snore me πŸ’€

Saturday, June 25, 2022


As in so many homes:

Mini tornado force of nature children

Relentlessly seek out something 

new to do

Calmly tearing through the house 

on a mission to make - lord only

knows ... 

And what a to do!

Wearing one down with endless debate

like an ongoing Depp/ Heard Case. Whew!

Then Whirring

Into /out of -  the kitchen again

Leaving Macaroni splattered floors

and doughy tomato sauce

on kitchen cupboard doors

Lopsided fringes slowly and  


with blunt nail scissors!

These endless mad-science experiments

Interspersed with long moments of silence... 

Then happily emerging with

Vivid turquoise cakes, Perfumed pens, 

sinks clogged up with paints 

A riot of acrylics casually smeared into

brand new pyjama sleeves.

And always, 

with this tornado child?

Always there is more!

Friday, June 24, 2022

Georgie C

Georgie C Georgie C 

Going down on bended knee

Am asking you to marry me

Got anOnion ring for 50p


and some Tea too!

Like the finest of wines with ageing

you became the greatest at on-staging

Well into your 70s remaining 

the hippest and the bestest

Your bearded-voice a Raging,

your Coolness in-staging,

Opinionated Debating

Always left me awaiting.

Baited breath a-wanting 

more and more 

of your prophet-Earring 

string-a-ling lores: 

On the nuttiness of things

And Nutting

Yes Noting  

Yes Nothing

Was off limits - 

Out of bounds with you!

My hiphop funny hunny bun

My Grizzly bear chummy -

Most Casual of Cool

Would you my dear most Solemnly swear? 

Yes yes my dear! 

I KNOW you love to swear 

my Georgie sweet pear

But -  do you solemnly swear 

to accept me 

And to love me 

and my token 50p Onion ring

With all my: love 

adoration devotion

My funky unique Master 

Craftsman from here to 


(To Gorgeous Car Ling)

Thursday, June 23, 2022

KOLA NUT (Song track)

Link to song not working apologies will fix soon!

Cordelia Gray Here,

Vitalstarts: 22-22-22. 

A song. 

On the joys of drinking a can 

(or 22) of Caffeinated 

Kola Nut.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Seeking Hybrid Role


Seeking Hybrid Work Role:

Will consider online /real-world

Partnerships on Interesting 

W123 Projects / collaborations

Seeking Funding

Available: July 22, 2022 onwards

Must welcome: 

1  grown-up  

2  tweens

4  puppets

Email: cuppsoclub@gmail.com

Bin Day (Song Track)

Bin Day (Song Track) 

Produced @ Crater Studios

Monday, June 20, 2022

Parental Protest

Mum! I need money

Me ?

For Roblox. 

I need 20 pounds 

Me  !

It's only 20 pounds.

Anyway you can buy my old stuff

Chucks stuff on my bed

I don't need these any more


Ebay? No 

You can buy my K-Pop CD for 6 pounds. 

You can have my keyring for free

and my Poppit for 50p 

You can have my old phone case for 10 pounds

Me ?!

I got it last year for 8 pounds

But you can have it for 10

Me 😑

Come on mum

...or give me my own bedroom. 

Come on!

We need to get to the bank before they close.

Grabs my hand 


Me   πŸ’¬πŸ˜ 

Her  πŸ’¬πŸ˜ 

Tussle-tug, tussle-tug. 

Mum. Let. Go. 


......A!!!!!! Help me get mum off the floor! 

She won't get up! 

Mum! Get. Up. Off the FLOOOOOR


Stop listening to your STUPID music!

Tussle-tug! tussle-tug! 


(30 Minutes later)

Me πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©

Her:  Mum. I need 20 pounds...

You don't LOVE me. Do you? 

Why did you even HAVE me? Hmm?

Why mum? WHY did you give BIRTH to me? 

Hmm? Why? 

Did I ask you to? did I? did I?

Doors:  Slam! Slam! Slam!

Where did my sweet little child of 

yesteryear go? Anyone? Hmm? 

Anyone? Anyone? 


Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Cleaner

The Cleaner found a five pound note

And gave it back to Madam.

She carried on her merry way

Whilst seeking out her Adam

Next she saw an aeroplane,

To her - it looked all right

Yet who is to say? 

For either way

It was in blue & white


Hey You!

How to put on a duvet cover? In short

In Side out

Grab the edges of. The Shortest side:

One In each hand

Match and attach both the cover and duvet 

Flip whole cover over


You're done

Well Done You πŸ˜ƒ 


Va! Va! Voom Jim! 

Back in 2016

Was when I found you on a trip to 

ONE of my places of worship. 

This place we call the LI-BRA-RY

For an analog girl this was my Pearl.

Better yet you see 

the Internet there was free,

I think we have Carnegie to thank for this

This medium that's existed before 

web 1 2 3.

Anyway Jim! There I found 

Your weighty tome Sitting 

proudly amongst the proud and the most fitting.

As I sprinted through the non-fic books,

Impossible (it was) to ignore your Red Bluck looks!

Couldn't believe 

My joy and my luck,

as your 1000 perspired pages kept my mind 

Sweet, Inspired and Clean

Ever Yours,

Cordelia Gray


Darling Friend I forgot to mention -

Had to put pen to paper 

after a coffee or two,

And thereafter the words flew - 

Although you fill my mind 

with your wisdom and kind,

Although I gratefully receive these

like manna from the sky,

Yet questions for me do still arise

Yes we see many issues in a similar way,

Yet preaching to the converted 

(as you yourself would say)

And as I now realise is probably not 

always the best way to gain...

Sometimes (for me at least)

Truth and facts need time to percolate

though the mind's filters

In order to create new inputs 

that can then be brought forth to

shine and to glitter.

Inputs that, in substance remain

philosophical truths

audacious gains X


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Bicycle UnBirthay

Happy World Bicycle Day!

You can hear people say - 

Especially those 

on their way to:



& Play

And why today of all days? 

(I hear you say)

'Cos Everyday is a:

Bicycle Unbirthday to you!

Bicycle Unbirthday to you!

Bicycle Unbirthday

Dear everyone

Bicycle Unbirthday to you!


Carbon Almanac - It's Not too Late

Facts. Connection. Action

Forward by Seth Godin


Just Pre-Ordered my copy today

This book is a collection of essays, cartoons, illustrations 

stories, information on Climate Change with links & footnotes 

for verification. If you live in a large town/ city you can pre-order from:


πŸ’šWonderful UK-based bookshops like WaterstonesπŸ’š


Cherry B

Cherry B 

Iz a Law vlee Ladee,

So why she no look good 

On da paper screen?

Photo camera no seem to like her

Make her 

Beautiful Lawful Intelligence 

Looka like a  

Scowley Uglificence!

In da flesh I hear she be 

tons more Prettee!

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Jelly Babies

Five Little Jelly Babies,

Waking up at me,

Sadly Peering though the screen 

What exactly do I CCCCC?

How did they get here? 

From whence and from where?

I'd love to make 'em smile again

But first I need a chair - 

for them or for me?

For the latter - silly!

'Cos pink blue grey black or green, 

They are all as chewy 

as can Bee

Orange Whinosaurus


There's an  Orange Whinosaurus,

Sitting in our Chorus,

Munching on all. 

Things Nuttyporus

Things that are calling  out to us - 

Could you help out Whinosaurus?

Could you please call out to us?

Let's hear you grunt out your chorus 

Let's see what you can do for us, 

In your snappy silken snazzy jacket

You really do floor us, 

In your woollen

Jumpersaurus πŸ˜ƒ

Fantastic Mannas

Rick Nick and all you Silverstars  

Know what fantastic Mannas really are?

These are when the arts of the grate/tests

Enclownter the projests with the what ifs? 

and the what whens?

Then a shower of lipsticks and hair clips,

Entwine the Love Shorn and the

Anewly Aborn,

On the clickety clackety heels of 

Fancy foot tricks 

Roomy Zoom Boom

"Cough! cough!  

Cordelia Colourful Gray here,

Vital starts:

22 - 22 - 22

Presenting a poem on Uglificence


Baba! Zoom Bastick ain't so fantastic -

When you looka like a 

A gloomy loom boom!

Ba ba boom bastick 

Scooby on device-stick 

such a funny metric,

Shoo ba dubee, do!

Dem Photogenics 

Such a funny Metric 

Help de Genetic -  

Lucky for you!

But wha' 'bout de Mop-posits? 

Potato Uglyficents ?

T'aint so fantastic.

What a to-do!

Take 50 photos,

oderwise da nose -  

Like a sack of sweet potatoes

Lordy only know knows

shubee do do 

Making 'em shy-sick,

Peering at device-stick,

Making wanna shy away 

Dashing over Runways

Shoo be do do!

Need a Rum Punch quick

Together wit de sidekick,

Get me through da Roomy Zoom 


Wit a smily tuneπŸ’œ

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Klossy Beads

Zoomy Virgin sits Awaiting πŸ˜Ά

Hunched over expectantly 

Zoomy Virgin sits a-Peering 

into Zoomy Boomy Screen

And what is this she starts to see?

What is Peering back at she?

Peering back through Zoomy lens:

Sits Gloomy roomy in a laptop dress. 

Just before da conference!

So. Who can gloom-roomy be ?

Sitting oh! so shadowy?

Wait a minute! That can't be - 

But oh my goodness SHE is me

Why didn't she -  plan this better? 

Too late now to stop and fretter

Taking notes on NOT-taking note pens,

Said pens clucking with great reluctence

Then. Peering into digit lens,

Bobbed up heads in attendence

Faces Popcorn poker straight 

And of course no one is late

Some sip sup from office cuppso

Newbie zoomie in suspense

Fidgets, nervous  making sense:

"Ssh! It's time to mute!" 

Our Smoothie Zoomie lead announces

Sleek and Glossy 

Hair that bounces

Our Freshly Laundered leader leads,

From well-lit background

we hear jangle: 

Klossy Beads

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Mocha Strudel

Mocha Strudel went to town,

Riding on baloney,

He blenderized his frown & gown

Whilst drinking


My Hat

Pop it on my head 

Neither skewed nor flat

Woven from the finest Moses Rushes

And that, is a flap-jacketed fact.

This hat of mine 

so shady you can dine on its

Brimming wide lazy Susan Asides

Its spinning plates filled with 

popsicle lolly-filled 

summery statesπŸ’™ 



You shared your mid Morning 

Croissant with someone else!

Well - !

That's fine by me Sweetpea

After all Buttery Cupp's

Os can be pretty!

I'll just go pretend to not care.

And to not mind. Too much


That seeing you crunch on that 

Breakfasty lunch

Didn't hurt just a teeny tiny touch

Honey bunch.

But know what? Crunchy Coo? 

Know what I've decided to do?

Well I've decided to buy bags an' bags of 

Water-wise crackers

to hang out with

To keep me on trackers

So now I'm sip-supping  

Mugs an' mugs of VIPCo Fees 

as well as gallons an' 

Gallons of sweetelly Teas!

So if you please Sweetpeas 

don't you worry about me 'cos

I guess I'm ok  😐.  

      Yes. Feeling ok  πŸ˜‘

           No really! Not joking! 😊 

               Am feeling a-OK πŸ˜ƒ

And I hope you are too!

Feeling happy and not blue

And if that's not the case

Please remember this:

There is NOTHING!

A plate of hot fresh croissants 

and a chilled bottle of russet red Jam buns

Martini mixed 

won't cure.


Over and out from Kitty Crunch here

    Ever Yours,

        Apples & Pears


Friday, June 10, 2022


The foundations begin at home
Accepting the blue, green, yellow,
black sheep of the family. First.

Real charity is active
reaching out to divided family members to 
unite, and celebrate 
Innocent occasions - 
Such as a toddler's birthday.

Real Charity Grown-ups
Never leave a toddler to 
celebrate her birthday alone 
When other family members are 
nearby. Such lack of Real Charity 
beggars. disbelief. disgust. 

Real charity begins in the
heart and soul. First.

Let's elevate those that build 
the foundations of 
Real Charity from 
the ground up 


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Happy Wonderday

Belated Wonderday greetings!

to Lille Cutie Pie  

Wearing sky blue fruity and 

A bow-tie made

of white

Sitting on the summer's grass

Out amongst more frogs.

Joyful Lille child of grace,

Cy-cycling cakes go swirling

Like blueberry flakes upon

Orange pink plates for

Picture perfect 

little giggles!
