Sunday, June 19, 2022


Va! Va! Voom Jim! 

Back in 2016

Was when I found you on a trip to 

ONE of my places of worship. 

This place we call the LI-BRA-RY

For an analog girl this was my Pearl.

Better yet you see 

the Internet there was free,

I think we have Carnegie to thank for this

This medium that's existed before 

web 1 2 3.

Anyway Jim! There I found 

Your weighty tome Sitting 

proudly amongst the proud and the most fitting.

As I sprinted through the non-fic books,

Impossible (it was) to ignore your Red Bluck looks!

Couldn't believe 

My joy and my luck,

as your 1000 perspired pages kept my mind 

Sweet, Inspired and Clean

Ever Yours,

Cordelia Gray

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