Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Cucumber Pie

Dem spud-buds smashed 'n

shattered once again

Inside da ting Spud calls: remembrain

Why she go up dat lane again an' again?

A Diction? Science fiction? Lambition to

Out dull dem snoring plains 

Or is it dem vains? Dem oh no! Not agains

She be Cool Cucumber Calm Superfly

All day long.

As yesterdays fly past her window 

sweetly she say: "Bye bye!"

Later in "Good-evening time" 

out it all came: torrential lightning.

Then thundrals of rain.  

Freeze food! flights of fancy fights 

Forks an' Spoons

Dancey down pudding lane

She go after yelling: 

Fork - you! sit! 

Juice - you wanna run?

Dem beautious spud kids come richting-out 

like loving warm sunshine. 

Smiling Loving Unconditionally dem say:

WOW? It is ok 



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