Sunday, June 12, 2022


You shared your mid Morning 

Croissant with someone else!

Well - !

That's fine by me Sweetpea

After all Buttery Cupp's

Os can be pretty!

I'll just go pretend to not care.

And to not mind. Too much


That seeing you crunch on that 

Breakfasty lunch

Didn't hurt just a teeny tiny touch

Honey bunch.

But know what? Crunchy Coo? 

Know what I've decided to do?

Well I've decided to buy bags an' bags of 

Water-wise crackers

to hang out with

To keep me on trackers

So now I'm sip-supping  

Mugs an' mugs of VIPCo Fees 

as well as gallons an' 

Gallons of sweetelly Teas!

So if you please Sweetpeas 

don't you worry about me 'cos

I guess I'm ok  😐.  

      Yes. Feeling ok  πŸ˜‘

           No really! Not joking! 😊 

               Am feeling a-OK πŸ˜ƒ

And I hope you are too!

Feeling happy and not blue

And if that's not the case

Please remember this:

There is NOTHING!

A plate of hot fresh croissants 

and a chilled bottle of russet red Jam buns

Martini mixed 

won't cure.


Over and out from Kitty Crunch here

    Ever Yours,

        Apples & Pears


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