Monday, June 20, 2022

Parental Protest

Mum! I need money

Me ?

For Roblox. 

I need 20 pounds 

Me  !

It's only 20 pounds.

Anyway you can buy my old stuff

Chucks stuff on my bed

I don't need these any more


Ebay? No 

You can buy my K-Pop CD for 6 pounds. 

You can have my keyring for free

and my Poppit for 50p 

You can have my old phone case for 10 pounds

Me ?!

I got it last year for 8 pounds

But you can have it for 10

Me 😡

Come on mum

...or give me my own bedroom. 

Come on!

We need to get to the bank before they close.

Grabs my hand 


Me   💬😠

Her  💬😠

Tussle-tug, tussle-tug. 

Mum. Let. Go. 


......A!!!!!! Help me get mum off the floor! 

She won't get up! 

Mum! Get. Up. Off the FLOOOOOR


Stop listening to your STUPID music!

Tussle-tug! tussle-tug! 


(30 Minutes later)

Me 😩😩😩

Her:  Mum. I need 20 pounds...

You don't LOVE me. Do you? 

Why did you even HAVE me? Hmm?

Why mum? WHY did you give BIRTH to me? 

Hmm? Why? 

Did I ask you to? did I? did I?

Doors:  Slam! Slam! Slam!

Where did my sweet little child of 

yesteryear go? Anyone? Hmm? 

Anyone? Anyone? 


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