Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Klossy Beads

Zoomy Virgin sits Awaiting 😶

Hunched over expectantly 

Zoomy Virgin sits a-Peering 

into Zoomy Boomy Screen

And what is this she starts to see?

What is Peering back at she?

Peering back through Zoomy lens:

Sits Gloomy roomy in a laptop dress. 

Just before da conference!

So. Who can gloom-roomy be ?

Sitting oh! so shadowy?

Wait a minute! That can't be - 

But oh my goodness SHE is me

Why didn't she -  plan this better? 

Too late now to stop and fretter

Taking notes on NOT-taking note pens,

Said pens clucking with great reluctence

Then. Peering into digit lens,

Bobbed up heads in attendence

Faces Popcorn poker straight 

And of course no one is late

Some sip sup from office cuppso

Newbie zoomie in suspense

Fidgets, nervous  making sense:

"Ssh! It's time to mute!" 

Our Smoothie Zoomie lead announces

Sleek and Glossy 

Hair that bounces

Our Freshly Laundered leader leads,

From well-lit background

we hear jangle: 

Klossy Beads

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