Thursday, June 2, 2022

Seaview Seeking

Name: Cordelia Colourful Gray here

Resident Poet willing, en-Fabled

Though neither Cordial nor Colourful nor Gray

Fun work is clearly the order of the day

My Vital StartIstics, cardboardy all the way: 

22 - 22 - 22

On par amongst those of you

Self Contained Chisel kittied Alfalfa 5

Carried Stars.

Either which way, 

If on any chosen day,

You seek a partner in co(n)founding 

Rhymes or - some other such 

then, dial me up

for a water-cracker lunch

Sometime somewhen, 

To co-create fantastically Sunny Gems

And until then,

Shall I go sit and ponder 

the lives of those great sea-creatures 

living way within and way out yonder 💙

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